
katharine watson

  I first read about Katharine Watson at The Bedlam of Beefy.  As soon as I saw her work I knew I had to learn more about this artist.  I ordered a card with an "M" for Madeline.  I think it will make a wonderful addition to her collage wall.  It's like having a little piece of original art.  Katharine has an amazing story and you can read more about her work and her travels here.
When I opened the envelope and saw this...it was like a little gift had just arrived.
Photo courtesy of Katharine Watson

I was so happy to see linoleum block printing.  My children had the experience of this type of print making in their art classes when we lived in Connecticut.  We still have their projects.  Madeline had made a heart that's about 5' x 5' and I think I will get the supplies and make wrapping paper or cards from her original linoleum block that she made in 4th grade. 


  1. Hey Annie,

    What a great gift for Madeline - so special and the wrap too!!
    Also glad you made your way over to The Bedlam of Beefy - isn't his blog fab?!

  2. this is totally a work of art! just to let you know you are back in my reader and all is right with the world now! xo janet

  3. Block printing is so strikingly and bold! Lucky Madeline! Wondering if you purchased an "A" too? I also love the hand written note thanking you for the order... great touch!
