
California Farmers Markets

One thing I will miss about California is the opportunity to go to farmers markets year round.  I can pretty much find one every day of the week not too far from home.  On Sunday we went to the farmers market at the Great Park in Irvine.  It's a good one...and food trucks for a little breakfast or lunch and tables in the shade made for a perfect morning. 

 We met interesting people like Debra Kabarsky who started her cookie business last October.  These lemon cookies are amazing and they had others that combine a bit of sweet and savory.  Her company is called The Last Crumb...I think a perfect name!


  1. Ooooo, I've been looking for those mushroom grow-bag thingies! Any chance you remember the source?
    Farmer's markets - my absolute favourite!

  2. annie why am i not getting your posts. steve just alerted me to this and i checked and your blog isn't even on my reading list. i've noticed my reading list is really "light" right now. dang blogger. i'm going to go read and see what i've missed that you've posted.

  3. Now I know what they mean about California fruits...everything looks delicious, I'd love some of those strawberries right now. Have a great week Annie x

  4. cool mushrooms! I want to go here!

    This blog post is on my blog...but i see what The Gardener is saying above. Weird.

  5. I adore Farmers markets - so much inspiration of the good in life! :-)

  6. How did we miss those cookies? I guess we got there too late.

  7. Everything is so beautiful and tempting. I am counting the days until my favorite farmer's market (in upstate New York) opens.

  8. Ohmygosh! It all looks sooo good! I miss a good farm fresh tomato! This is definitely something where the west coast wins hands down. We don't have any grat markets near us, but there is a wonderful farm that is open to the public from the end of June to the end of November. Great photos Annie!

  9. Hi Annie! I love the farmers market as well. There are so many unique vendors there and the produce is always so much better than what you can get at the grocery store. I love coming home with my produce bags filled in anticipation of what I am going to create with each item.

    I love everything about those cookies, the name, the packaging and the actual cookie. The name I picked out a long time ago for my dream bakery in Point Reyes is Crumbs. I just think it's a fitting name for a small town bakery!

  10. Did I miss something?
    Are you moving away from California?

    I too love a farmer's market and we have only a couple of food trucks here but they seem to be "catching on!"
    My basket is full of colorful and healthy fresh veggies when I leave the market and it makes cooking a breeze with such intense flavours of organically grown produce.
    The farmers are happy sellers too :)

  11. Farmers' markets are the best. So many great photo ops. Those strawberries look delicious and the tomatoes too. I can't wait for farmers' market season to begin!

  12. Beautiful. I don't think our farmer's markets start until June.

    I see that your posts are now coming up in my reading list. Still can't figure out why they went away but since adding you back again, everything seems fine.

  13. Such stunning photographs, I feel that my whole life has been lived indoors for the past 5 months.

  14. I cannot wait to go to the Farmers Market in CA - everything is so plentiful!

  15. Where are you moving?

    We used to live in CA but now we live in Seattle where we have great markets half the year! (:

    Thank you for stopping by. Your blog is lovely! And I see many of my friends on your blog roll. I better pay attention to you too!

    ox, Mon

  16. I love farmers market but we don't have any in where I live. Beautiful photos!

  17. I love a good farmers market! Too bad I have to wait a few more months to get them here.

  18. I love the Farmers Market!! Thanks for sharing these lovely photos! Oh and the cookies look amazing.

  19. Glorious colors! Looking at all the beautiful produce makes me miss summer... our local Farmers Market and Chicago's Green City Market in Lincoln Park!

  20. Annie,
    Beautiful photos. I'd love to hit some of your farmer's markets. Looks like they have a lot of gourmet treats too!


  21. love the farmers market experience too!

    xx kelley

  22. Oh how wonderful! I miss fresh markets during the winter months. Such a treat to load up on fresh fruits, veggies, and herbs.

  23. What gorgeous pictures, Annie! I love farmers markets even though I haven't been to many. They're always filled with surprise goodies here and there. I can just browse through for hours by myself.
