
Guest Posting at Style for Living


The stylish Marianne from Style for Living was so sweet to ask me to guest post for her ABC series.

 Whenever I think of the ABC's,  this image comes to mind.  I saw here it about a year ago.  This Goyard print by Libby Black, would be a great addition to a collage wall.  For more ABC's go here.


  1. Now that's my kind of version of ABC's! Thank you so much for being my guest today! xo

  2. I would love to hear more about Amelia Island, Florida!

  3. I loved the guest post Annie! What a great way to get to know someone, through the ABC's!

  4. Annie,

    So fun to read more about you! I need to try the barre classes. They have The Method up here and it looks a lot like ballet, which I used to do.

    It's true about the door. I have taught my boys to hold doors for those coming next and sadly it's about 50% of the time that they get a thank you. Manners makes all the difference in this world. Sounds like you are bringing up nice kids.


  5. I loved learning more about you. So true about rudeness! What a sweet kiddo you have.
    I would love to hear more about Amelia Island too. Now that we are in NY it seems that everyone heads to FL - I need to have the inside scoop from you Annie!
    Have a great weekend,
    p.s. I was going to mention the comment you made about Ikea the other day on my blog - I have had that very thing happen sooooo many times - head to Ikea to check out the great outdoor furniture, and have it all be gone :(

  6. Off to brush up on my A, B, C's! Happy weekend, Annie!
