
Ina Garten is #39 on Gourmet's List of 50 Women Game-Changers in Food.   Since receiving her very first book, The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook, in 1999 and reading it cover to cover I have been a huge fan of Ina.  She is everything I embrace about cooking and entertaining.  I make so many of Ina's dishes every week that I had a difficult time choosing a recipe.
photo:  Food Network
What I like about Ina's recipes is that often I can come up with something wonderful to make without even making a trip to the market.  From Ina I've learned what to keep in my pantry and refrigerator so that I'm always prepared.  She makes everything beautiful, but not complicated.  That's what I love.  I designed my kitchen, on smaller scale after her barn kitchen.  I loved the symmetry, the black, white and natural palette and the open shelving.  The recipe I chose to highlight is one that I made last Saturday for lunch.  It was one we had never made before, but as we were flipping through Ina's cookbooks, we came across this recipe for Chive Risotto Cakes.  Delicious, easy...it did not disappoint.
With simple ingredients like arborio rice, panko bread crumbs, eggs, Greek yogurt, fontina cheese and fresh chives which I grow year round...Chive Risotto Cakes made for the perfect weekend lunch with a simple green salad.
Mary from One Prefect Bite started this project and I found out about it from Sue of The View From Great Island.  The following bloggers post recipes and stories every Friday.  Check out what they've featured for Ina Garten. 

                                                           Joanne - Eats Well With Others
                                                           Taryn - Have Kitchen Will Feed
                                                           Susan - The Spice Garden
                                                           Heather - girlichef
                                                           Miranda of Mangoes and Chutney
                                                           Mary - One Perfect Bite
                                                           Barbara - Movable Feasts
                                                           Jeanette - Healthy Living
                                                           Linda - Ciao Chow Linda
                                                           Linda A - There and Back Again
                                                           Mireya - My Healthy Eating Habits,
                                                           Veronica - My Catholic Kitchen
                                                           Nancy - Picadillo
                                                           Claudia - Journey of an Italian Cook
                                                           Kathy- Bake Away With Me 
                                                           AlyceMore Time at the Table
Amrita - Beetles Kitchen Escapades


  1. Chive risotto cakes? Amazing! I love how crispy and perfect your Panko crust turned out.

  2. I really love the recipe you've chosen to highlight Ina's cooking. She really is a treasure and it is hard to go wrong with anything she puts her name on. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  3. Mmm ... I'm thinking they look perfect ... bet that crunchy crust gave way to warm soft gooey goodness! Can you tell I'm on a major diet? Just the photos are causing a breakdown of willpower! Terrific post!

  4. Hasn't this been a fun post? I love Ina. We've made her risotto cakes and thought they were divine. That crunchy outside and cheesy middle was so tasty.
    Great write up and great recipe choice!

  5. The chive risotto cakes look delicious! I am a huge Ina Garten fan!

  6. Chive risotto cakes look and sound so delicious! What a great recipe pic to represent Ina? I am also a huge fan! Nicely done!

  7. I love Ina as well and have all her cookbooks. Every recipe I have tried turns out wonderful! She has so much class and sophistication and it is a joy to watch her. Your risotto cakes look yummy!

  8. Hi Annie....another Ina lover here too! I watched a video recently of her being interviewed for a small local TV station, about her herb garden and she seemed rather cold and uninterested. I hope she is just as nice as she seems to be on the Food Network. Either way, this looks so yummy!

    xx kelley

  9. You know I'm a huge fan of Ina, too! I own every one of her cookbooks and each recipe is spot on perfect. She really does know how to do everything right!

  10. "She makes everything beautiful, but not complicated" - I couldn't have said it better. She's my one go-to cook when I have no clue what to do since she never ever disappoints and makes things so easy. Love her to bits!

  11. These Risotto Cakes look incredible, so creamy! Great pick for Ina Garten.

  12. These Risotto Cakes look incredible, so creamy! Great pick for Ina Garten.

  13. Hi Annie! I didn't even see this post on my blogger update. Anyway, I love Ina as well. These risotto cakes look so creamy and delish. I would love them topped on a salad for lunch. I might have to be making these.

  14. I can never resist an Ina recipe or a potato!!

  15. I, too, love Ina Garten, and those chive risotto cakes look fantastic!
