
Springtime at the beach

 Forsythia may be blooming, daffodils are coming up...but even at the beach in Southern California there is a look of Spring.  It was a warm weekend and the beaches were filled with people enjoying the beach like any summer day.  But if you looked closely there were definite signs of spring.  This was most noticeable at low tide in Laguna Beach.
We used to take our kids tide pooling always hoping to see something like this...these photos were taken with my iphone.


  1. we are heading to the beach this weekend and I can't wait! it's my happy place.

  2. Beautiful - and that sea star is gorgeous, I want it! :-)

  3. Beautiful! I really miss Laguna Beach. I haven't been down there in ages. I have some very good childhood and adult memories from my time spent there. When I was a kid in the '80's, we used to stay at the Surf and Sand. One year, Barbra Streisand was staying there...she was in the pool with my mother who just about passed out upon noticing it was THE Barbra Streisand.

    I think investigating tide pools is one of the most enjoyable things anyone can do - a wonderful way to live in the moment.

  4. Hello Annie:
    How wonderful to be able to enjoy this lovely spot. Yes, it is true, that as the days lengthen there is a feeling of spring in the air although not much is actually in evidence here in Eastern Europe. But it can only be days away now!

  5. You even take great photos with your iPhone! I love spending time at the beach and looking at tide pools. What a great way to spend the day. I was just looking at my forsythia in my yard yesterday and love that it's full of pretty blooms. So happy now that it's lighter longer each day!

  6. Missing living right next to Puget Sound when I see the sea stars!! You take such beautiful photos - I know I always tell you that, but it is true!! Hopefully you don't get sick of hearing it ;)

  7. Gorgeous photography, Annie! Thanks for the memories, we spent a couple vacations there when my son was little, I remember sand castles and tide pooling, quite the novelty for Colorado kids!

  8. So pretty! I can't wait for our week at the beach (on the east coast) in May! We always look for little creatures in tidal pools too. Last year I found a starfish, a sea urchin and several hermit crabs. Canoeing in the sound with the dolphins is also a favorite thing to do. There's nothing better than the beach. Your photos are gorgeous.

  9. Just discovered your blog last week and I love it! My husband and I just moved to San Diego from Chicago 7 months ago and are loving our first "winter" in Southern CA! I know there are some tide pools in La Jolla, your pictures are inspiring me to check them out! Also, I know in your last post you said you go to flea markets often. Any you recommend near the Orange County inbetween the San Diego area? Thanks!

  10. Very cool, Annie.

    No forsythia or daffodils here yet. But it won't be long.

  11. annie those are just lovely pictures. the seasons are so subtle here but they are here!

  12. Such beautiful photos, Annie! I especially loved the last one of the tidal pool covered in mussels (my all time favorite dish, no matter how they're prepared) and that beautiful starfish.

  13. Your photos are wonderful, particularly that last one. It sounds like a perfect outing. Have a wonderful evening. Blessings...Mary

  14. Wow, I can't believe you took these photos with an iPhone. I never get great shots like these with mine. Hmmm, it must be user error on my part ;)

  15. Amazing photos Annie! I love that little purple starfish. The iPhone is so easy and so good. With the iCloud the photos go right into my computer. I am spoiled and rarely use my good camera now!

    Glad you're getting to enjoy California and good weather lots before you move.

    Kim :)

  16. Hello Annie

    I love the images and the wildness of the ocean. You found such wonderful treasure and the image is spectacular

    To many more happy days on the beach


  17. great photos! Love the tide pool shots the best. It's definitely not beach weather yet on the east coast, but it's coming!

  18. So pretty! Although it "feels" like Spring here there are still no signs of it yet. Enjoy your time on the beach!

  19. Beautiful photos & thanks for the borthday wishes!

  20. Hi Annie, I love your images...the starfish looks v cool, such lovely colours too
    Hope you are having a great day x

  21. So pretty! I could use a trip to Southern California right about now. Beautiful images.

  22. I am so going to miss seeing California through your eyes.

    xo Jane

  23. Annie, Such lovely photos…makes me wish I was there! I love investigating tide pools…while in Florida, I found some really lovely olive shells…the animal was still inside so I left them! Fun!

  24. i love the star fish !
