

The California state flower is the Golden Poppy.  It seems to be everywhere right now...along freeways, medians and another variety that comes in vibrant hues of orange, pink and yellow is appearing in gardens too.  The poppy looks so fragile, but the petals close at night and against the wind.  Only when the sun appears does it open and show its beauty.  I only have a few from seeds in my garden, but I couldn't help but bring a few inside.
 I love how the flowers in old amber bottles look against the gray chalkboard.  I'm starting to plan and envision what my Connecticut house might look like.  Of course I've seen photos inside and out, but I'm imagining our furniture arranged in rooms and of course what color to paint the walls.  With the help of Pinterest and my board titled "B L A C K" Ive been able to convince my husband that we should have a few of the rooms painted black.   We experimented with a little black paint in our California house here and here loved the results.
What do you think of black rooms?  Love it, hate it?  


  1. I love the way you used black in both spaces in your current home with lots and lots of white against it. My son would love a urinal. Will you be selling your beautiful California home or will you keep it? I'm looking forward to seeing your new place. Especially the black walls!

  2. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!! I think just about anything would look fab in your house!
    xo Melissa

  3. i love a black room. i've been working on larry's office for the last few weeks and am so tempted to paint our bedroom the same black color of his office. i don't have the guts though. i keep thinking about you moving into that great house and can't wait to see what you do with it. xo

  4. I adore the poppies against the black chalkboard. I could use some color here for our gray days. I love the idea of black paint on the walls, so dramatic and chic. I'm getting ready to paint some of my walls lighter than they are now since we just don't get a lot of sunshine pouring in. P.S. still haven't gotten around to painting the craigslist shelf yet. Can't seem to make up my mind what to do with it. Perhaps a nice graphite color would make it shine!

  5. I love the idea of the black!!

    I bet you are getting so excited about your new house. I can't wait to get a look at it. You have such amazing taste and ideas - I have no doubt it is going to be gorg!!


  6. Those poppies bring back memories! I grew up in California and remember how the mountainsides looked like they were on fire with the blaze of color from the poppies. I love the look of them against the black. Thanks for sharing!


  7. I love the idea of a black room. And the way you have used it in your home is simply lovely. Thank you for commenting on my post today at The Mustard Ceiling. So glad to have found your blog and I look forward to learning more about your move across the country.

  8. Those poppies are a breath of fresh air. Do they last long?

    Have a great week


  9. Gorgeous photos - the colors just pop on the dark background! Great job. Thanks you so much for sharing

  10. O my good NESS!!!! Annie! How do you do all these fantastic things? Chicken salad, cutest presents, and you send random gifts to your friends? I am going to be popping over here for inspiration whenever I need a dose (and with working ALL OF THE TIME....I am running on empty when it comes time for thoughtful things for the ones that matter most, ....family and friends.) Thanks for helping me gain a little perspective. :)

  11. I think black in a historic home will be stunning! You can add bold colors as you wish... like lovely poppies! Can't wait to see what wonderful touches you make to your connecticut home.

  12. Too funny, Annie! I've always wanted to paint a room black! I absolutely think you should go for it! I'm excited to follow along on your move to your new home!

  13. I think you will start a great trend, Annie. Those poppies are lovely.

  14. Annie,
    Just catching up on all your lovely posts. I love the black in your home,especially with the whites. Your pin board is so inspiring! It makes me want to add some black in my home too.

    I can't wait to see what you do with the next house! Love your taste.


  15. LOve the look of these poppies and the drama of a black or very dark room! Do you realize when you move we will be practically neighbors?!:)

  16. I L-O-V-E black rooms (I want one!) and I love the poppies in the amber bottles. I wish I had one for my desk this morning!

  17. Such beautiful flowers! My favorite color is orange, so naturally they appeal to me. Regarding black rooms, I think it can work. A neighboring house to ours has a black room but it's glossy and that doesn't work, especially with old plaster walls. High gloss black shows all imperfections. I think a powder room in black would be cool.

  18. So gorgeous Annie! I love the look of the bright color against the softer black. Beautiful!

  19. Such a pretty and happy flower! LVOE them. Will be interested to see your black wall. I am thinking it would go.
    Happy Tuesday.

  20. California poppies...sigh. I agree that they look amazing against black and I'm betting lots of other things to do! Gorgeous photography!!

  21. Annie - Love the black! Just like white there are many variations (duh, you know THAT!) I have one post that shows an appreciation of all black and that it benefits from a mix of textures.
    Are you going to sell your CA home? Let me know - may have some leads for you.

  22. Ever since I saw Jenna Lyons's bedroom in Domino, I've been a fan of black rooms. I just wish I was daring enough to paint a room black in my own home! Btw, welcome to the east coast :)

  23. I like to have a few black accents in our rooms, such as our Danish wood burning stove, or some art frames or a book shelf. But even though they look nice in your rooms (I looked at your links) I cannot envision living with black walls!
    I do know though that I love your poppies! Lucky you to have flowers outside already! xo Karen

  24. I've been loving everything black lately - black cabinets, black and white fabric, black walls - I'm a big fan. And I think the poppies are really pretty against the slate background. I didn't know you were moving to CT - over to the east coast! I'll have to start following you on Pinterest as well. I can remember vividly the Martha Stewart Living issue last year where poppies were featured and it was so pretty - I still have that issue.

  25. You take such beautiful pictures, Annie, I can get lost in your posts for hours! I vote FOR black rooms because to me, they're a lot like white rooms - neutral but with a lot of character. It also depends on how tastefully the black is executed and the amount of light in the room. With your spectacular taste, I'd definitely recommend you try it in the new house. If I had bigger rooms, I would definitely love some darker colors in my home but unfortunately, with our current home, black or darker colors would really make it more dungeon-ish. :)

  26. I adore poppies and just think of The Wizard of Oz and when they all fall asleep in that field of poppies.
    Your photos are great and I would love a black room full of poppies.

  27. Those poppies against the black create a beautiful vignette ! I always love some black in a room and black walls really give it drama!
