
Ocean Avenue + Laguna Beach

Ocean Avenue is straight up from the lifeguard tower at Main Beach in Laguna.  There are lots of galleries, restaurants and a few of my favorite shops in all of Southern California.  I drive through Laguna Beach everyday and now that we are moving back to the east coast, I am beginning to appreciate what I am probably going to miss once we are gone.  A friend and I came across this little shop and everything about it is charming.  It's called Hillary, after the owner's 11 year old daughter.
Wendy, the owner asked that I not photograph the sign because she is redesigning the logo.  I have a feeling it's going to be wonderful as she has an exquisite eye.  The large art work above is actually a photocopy of an Hermes scarf.  I would never have noticed that it wasn't the "real" thing.  
This little children's shop has mostly French labels.  The fabrics feel wonderful and everything kind of goes together.  Apparently Hillary is fearless when it comes to fashion and loves to mix and match her wardrobe.  The stores fixtures are a mix of vintage, industrial and Ikea.  
Talking to Wendy about her shop is like talking to an old friend.  My kids are too old to shop here, but it is such a lovely shop and I enjoyed my visit.  It's at 374 Ocean Avenue, Laguna Beach.


  1. Ah..I will have to check out Hillary now that I have a cute little granddaughter to shop for :D
    I was just down there but didn't venture off of Forest. I can see I need to walk a little further - thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh she is every inch as chic as her shop. I love individual boutiques like this, there just aren't enough around any more.

  3. I need to visit this shop when we are in California in April. It looks adorable! Laguna Beach is wonderful for galleries and cute little shops.

  4. Oh Annie I've just been spending time browsing through your posts back to your visit to the museum.

    Your Valentine's presents and dinner table were just right as always and I wouldn't have a cent left if I ran around with you, you seem to go to the est shops.

    Thanks for the mini vaca.

    xo jane

  5. I need to go to this shop one day! Cute!

  6. What a gorgeous place to shop, wish I lived nearby xo

  7. The shop did not disappoint ! It so charming. Wendy looks like one chic lady. I would wear the orange eiffel tower necklace, darling. Thanks so much for sharing your great find with us:)

  8. I'm so behind...you're moving?!
    Sweet little shop...
    xo J~

  9. What a charming store - entry rug included. I have enjoyed seeing your favorite places posts.

  10. So adorable. I see these shops all the time when I take the kids to the beach but always have a car full so I cannot stop. Probably better for the wallet. I am sure you will find, and hopefully share, just as many wonderful places in CT.

  11. I love all the small shops along the PCH and in Laguna Beach... cottage industry. So glad you stop to enjoy them, each has a hidden treasure!

    Looking at your sweet photo's... I can almost smell the salty air!

  12. What a cute shop. I could spend my days there!!!

  13. what a charming shop! i would love to visit this area someday for a girlfriend trip!

