
easy summer dinner

There are times when I use frozen puff pastry all the time and then for whatever reason....months go by and I forget all about it.  Our neighbors gave us some zucchini and summer squash and being the slacker that I have been lately....I really really wanted to make dinner from stuff we had around the house or in the freezer.  As luck would have it, we had frozen puff pastry in the freezer. 
I scored the edge of the puff pastry and used a fork to prepare the puff pastry inside the edge of the pastry.  I drizzled a little olive oil and then spread a small amount of tomato puree inside the edge.  I then added about 1/2 cup shredded Fontina cheese.
My sweet husband used the mandoline (the one kitchen tool that scares me to death) to cut very thin slices of zucchini and summer squash and I arranged them side by side because the diameter of the summer squash and zucchini were different sizes.  I added a little more olive oil, salt and pepper and fresh thyme.  We baked it just until the edges browned.  maybe 25 minutes or so.
It was delicious and so easy!  Gotta love Pepperidge Farm puff pastry.


  1. A delicious simple recipe and there is nothing better than fresh, locally grown produce.

    Thanks for sharing
    Helen x

  2. Yum this looks delicious!
    Mandolines scare me too....
    and I really must learn how to use frozen puff pastry.
    I am missing out on lots of tasty treats.

  3. This looks so yummy! I don't have any neighbors who will be bringing my zucchini but I will just get some at AJ's. You make me laugh about your sweet husband using the mandoline. My sweet husband lost the tip of his finger using the mandoline on a purple potato for a Giada recipe. Thank goodness we have a plastic surgeon/friend who lives in the neighborhood who saved us a trip to the ER. So no on the garden vegetables from neighbors but a big YES on the save the day neighbor!

  4. this looks great Annie. Zucchini, squash and fontina...yum!
    I always have puff pastry in the freezer too and love to make this kind of food (the kids love it and that's always a bonus and an incentive for me!)

    Claudia xo

  5. Hello Annie:
    The perfect supper dish! And the slices look so perfectly even and beautifully arranged. Until now we had no idea what a mandoline was! You can tell we are no cooks!

  6. I'm so glad you posted this. I have wanted to use frozen puff pastry for so long, but I always think I won't know how to use it right. This looks so easy and so elegant, I can't believe how perfectly 'puffy' that crust looks. I'm going to try!

  7. yes!!! and did you know puff pastry is vegan?!!!


  8. I love the simplicity of this recipe. It's the perfect meal for a warm summer day!

  9. that looks really tasty and seems so simple to make too!
    thanks for sharing.

    Abigail x

  10. That looks so good. I have never used puff pastry before! Can you believe that?! I have always wanted a mandoline, but after reading some of these comments maybe I'll stick with the slicer on the food processor!

  11. Making me hungry just looking at it... delish. gxo

  12. It looks really delicious!!! mmmm!!!

    About your comment in my blog, I'm totaly agree with you, I think that we have a similar taste! I like a lot when I see a new post of you! Blog world can be addicing, isn't it?

  13. My daughter makes a Sunday Brunch version of this with prosciutto, asparagus to create four 'squares' within the puff pastry, and then adds an egg to the centre of each square. It's delicious and so pretty!

    Was that a Canadian House and Home I saw featured in your magazines?
