
as summer begins to fade...the colors turn to yellow, gold and rust

I pass by this shop on Pacific Coast Highway everyday and love to see what they have out front.  You can tell the summer is coming to a close when the flowers are going from vibrant hues of red and hot pinks to shades of yellow and gold.

The colors around my house are getting more muted too...not as much red.
Nothing makes me happier than the mailbox full of new magazines...just in time for the weekend.
Everything is getting softer inside and out...as we get ready for cooler weather.  I love the fall and I can't help but miss the crisp feel in the air once summer begins to slip away.  There's something about the seasons and seeing one go to the next that just feels right.  There are seasons in Southern California, but not like the East Coast.
I must be ready for fall before it's time...I was at Roger's Gardens and there were no mums to be found.  I was able to change my pots from red geraniums to a bit of yellow for only a few dollars...these plants won't last long, but just til I can find a yellow mum plant.


  1. I love your front door Annie, and those hooks, and the fact that you're heading into fall (autumn) as we are looking forward to spring and lots of bright colour. I always enjoy your posts... gxo

  2. So we must live near each other. Let's go to Roger's Gardens together! You have a subscription to the Canadian House and Home? Awesome.

  3. Hello Annie:
    Yes, one can feel and see the autumn just moving in from your pictures, although here in Budapest the temperatures are still in the high 30Cs. The russet tones are so pleasing and really do beckon for cosy nights in beside the fire.

  4. What beautiful porch and home you have. I love US Elle Decor but I'm always about three weeks behind, I love their aesthetic.

  5. What a lovely home! I'm loving the front door. Have a beautiful weekend, Kellie xx

  6. It's nice to have those little benchmarks of the changing seasons like you have in the flower shop you pass. Who knows, with the world's weather in upheaval, maybe California will have wonderful seasons and we'll just get hurricanes!

  7. oh annie i feel your pain. you must really be missing your home right about now. you are right, we do have seasons here but they are quite subtle, esp at the beach. we still have a bit of summer to go through. xo janet

    oh and the house looks amazing - as always!

  8. Your home looks like it just leapt from the pages of a decorating magazine. Your style is so inviting...I am loving the scarf hanging from the bag!
    We are enjoying some warm days and to be honest I'd like them to stay around for a while longer. Spending time in the garden in the sun is such a wonderful tonic.
    Good luck on the hunt for mums!

  9. Beautiful! I love the changing floral colors in the fall :)

  10. These photos are incredibly beautiful. I love the colours of autumn. My husband brought home the Sept. issue of Vogue the other day and I'm thinking of buying a few more magazines to see what's new for Fall. Happy weekend!

  11. I love fall! It is my favorite season, but I feel like it skips over Southern California. I remember driving through old neighborhoods in Minneapolis and seas of leaves would part as I drove down the street and everyone's porches would have beautiful arrangements of mums in urns or bushel baskets.

  12. this just got me all excited for fall and as always I love getting glimpses into your stunning home.
