
Super Simple Tomato Sauce

I make a tomato or marinara sauce all the time, but I've never really had a go to recipe that I absolutely loved.  Last weekend I googled "simple tomato sauce" and up popped something from Smitten Kitchen.  Maybe I'm the only one that doesn't already know about this fabulous recipe, but if you haven't tried it, I urge you to try it right away!  It's that good.
When I read Deb's post from Smitten Kitchen about this sauce it led me to all the others who are total foodies and how much they love it too.  It seems almost too good to be true because it's so easy.  These are the ingredients:  One can of San Marzano tomatoes,  5 ounces of butter and one onion, peeled and cut in half.  That's it.  You put this all into a heavy pot, I used a 2 3/4 quart Le Creuset.  Let it come to a boil and then simmer for about 45 minutes.  I let it cool slightly and then blended it in two batches in a blender.  My kids really like it smooth.
This is what it looks like after the onion is removed, blended and then put back into the pot until we were ready to eat.
and about 9 minutes later, we were ready for dinner.
We did not have a lot leftover, but just enough for my daughter for a snack after after golf.  She reheated in the microwave and dipped fresh bread like it was soup.  YUM!


  1. I agree---yum! I would put little homemade meatballs in this. I can just imagine how this must taste fresh and clean compared to the jarred sauces.

  2. Hello Annie:
    We are devotees of all things tomato related so your sauce sounds and, we are sure tastes, absolutely delicious. And, what bliss, this is simple enough to be explained in our poor Hungarian to our housekeeper. Yippee!!

  3. That looks really good! Happy to have my handy immersion blender :)

  4. yummy.. you always have the BEST post for us!
    sound like an easy recipe for me :) i will try it this weekend.

    I am in Boulder and please do come and visit anytime you are back to Denver,i would love to meet you.

    Let me know if i can add your blog to mine.i would love to share with my friends too!


  5. Another recipe I'm going to try. Yum! I haven't looked at Smitten Kitchen in a long time, but she always had great recipes. Will have to check it out again!

  6. I made marinara last night too! This is my go to recipe. Next time I'll try your suggestion as this type of meal is regularly in our rotation.


    I double the recipe and buy the tomatoes already crushed. I also omit the water. This is a fan favorite in our house.

    Have any garlic bread reicpes? I have yet to find one I like.


  7. I always make that sauce, its incredibly tasty - butter is such a great ingredient!

  8. I cannot wait until we have a kitchen! We are a few weeks away from making this sauce and having a new kitchen. I can smell it now.

  9. I love to eat marinara like it's soup. I will have to try this recipe. Thanks!

  10. Yum for sure! I have been looking for a good homemade tomato sauce. Thanks for sharing!

  11. This looks so good! I keep seeing the beautiful photographs but this morning is the first time I actually read your post. I can't wait to make this. I like easy!

  12. I love tomatoes sauce with chicken meatballs, soup. Your recipe makes my mouth water. All the images are amazing. It is very easy to prepare. I will try this definitely. Thanks for sharing!
