
weekend lunch

One of our favorite pasta dishes is Nick & Toni's Penne Alla Vecchia Bettola from Ina Garten on Food Network.  It's super easy, but it does take time.  The onion, garlic, spices, vodka and tomatoes go into the oven for 90 minutes.  You can imagine how wonderful the kitchen smells.
I make a double batch and keep it around for a quick snack after school or dinner before sports when we are on the run mid week.

 Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


  1. What a gorgeous table...the food looks amazing too
    Have a great week Annie

  2. Annie, This looks sooo good. Can't wait to make this for my family. I have to tell you I make your marinara with three ingredients at least once a week. It's my kid's favorite now. I'm not sure if I've seen Spanish onions in the store before.
    Pictures look gorgeous too.

    xo Kim:)

  3. Oh forgot to say I love the flowers in the cans too! Perfect for this !

  4. looks lovely and tasty...
    Ina does do a great job cooking.

    I have several of her cookbooks and many of them are splattered from use!

  5. Ina is my all time favorite. In fact, I often wish she and Jeffrey would adopt me so I could live with them in that fab house in the Hamptons. Never mind the fact that I am almost 40....a girl can dream!

    That table is so welcoming and I MUST try this recipe...hers are all foolproof!

  6. This is one Ina recipe I've missed. Must remedy that asap. The idea of an oven baked pasta sauce is brilliant, why didn't I think of that??

  7. It sounds delicious, and of course, your table settings are always simply beautiful!

  8. More gorgeous photos to go with some gorgeous sounding food.

  9. mmmmmm!! I'm so hungry right now! (it's true, lunch time in Barcelona). I'm a huge fan of the Italian food. Your photos are really nice! Have a nice day!

  10. Hi Annie, this looks delicious! Can't wait to try it. Sarah is making it for dinner tonight.

  11. Mmm! What a lovely color that sauce has! I love your sunny bright table too!

  12. Perfect pre-sports gourmet carbo load!
    I'm going to place this recipe in our Whistler vacation file!
    Thanks, Annie!

  13. Oh wow! That looks good! I suddenly feel hungry.

    Happy Easter!

  14. Hi Annie! Wow, these photos are amazing and I actually feel like I'm in a restaurant. I am so going to make this dish but I'm not sure it's going to look a wonderful as yours does. You really know how to set a lovely table.

  15. Your pictures and descriptions inspired me to make this the other day - it was delicious! Yum!
