
there is beauty all around us . . .

All week I've been thinking about flowers...well to be more specific, I've had Jane's Flower Party on my mind, but for whatever reason I could not come up with anything until today.  You see Jane has lilacs, hellebore, cherry blossoms, Korean spice viburnum and a gorgeous white camellia in full bloom.  
I'm not even sure what these little flowers or the bush is called, but it is growing through the fence from my neighbors yard and anything that's on my side I consider fair game.  I'm only hoping that our new (112 year old house) in Connecticut is filled with surprises in the yard.  I can hardly wait to dig in the dirt and see what we have.  Moving date is around July 1 and the packing has begun!  Remember to check out Jane's party...it's always fun to see what everyone has blooming.
 Oh and speaking of blooming...as I turned the corner on my way down to the sand I couldn't believe how the hillside was bursting with color.  I know it's just ground cover to keep the slope from ending up on the beach, but it's so beautiful this time of the year.   Hope you enjoy your weekend and have the opportunity to stop and smell the flowers.


  1. Beautiful Annie. No such thing as just ground cover and I'm glad you know the party is never over!

    I can't believe you move so soon. July 1st is in a heartbeat.

    I'm sure that garden in Connecticut is full of delights.

    Thanks for coming and thanks for the you know what, I love it!

    xo jane

  2. How beautiful, Annie. Your photos are all quite lovely. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  3. Oh my goodness your move is getting so close!! I can't wait to see pics of the new house!
    Gorg hillside!

  4. I have the same flower in my yard (or it looks like the same). I should know what they are because I planted them - they are like a mock sweet pea. I love that they are hardy and come back (bloom) every year without replanting. Mine are lavender and when bunched together look just like a bunch of sweet peas. I love that they grow up an iron gate I have leaning on my fence to encourage them and they grow over into my neighbor's yard as well.
    I can't believe you are already packing up!

  5. annie i just know that your new/old garden is going to be a delight. restoring the garden here has been so much fun and such a learning process. plus, in an old house, nothing has to be perfect. in fact, things look better when they are a little overgrown and out of control. nothing like our tract home that had to be perfect or else it looked rundown. do you know what i mean? it is so freeing. i think you are going to love it.

    also, i'll be passing through salt lake city next weekend and i'd love to stop by the shop that you mentioned awhile back. can you tell me the name of it?

  6. How amazing is that hillside. I don't think we have anything like that around here.

    I'm getting eager to see your new place, as I'm sure you are too!

  7. Beautiful! And yeah for July! Hopefully we can meet up when you reach the east coast!

  8. Wow...is that ice plant...??? so beautiful. You have a way of making the simplest vignettes so lovely.

  9. PS....you won't get that hillside on the east coast. Don't leave.

  10. Wow - all those flowers are crazy beautiful, such color! :-)

  11. Annie, Your photos are beautiful! The one of the hillside is just gorgeous! I love all the colors popping out now that spring is here! Have a great weekend!

  12. I have those growing in the garden of my 108 year old house in New Jersey-don't know what they are since they were here when I arrived but they remind me of little tiny orchids-I'm sure you will find lovely things in your Connecticut garden. You're going to have so much fun!

  13. Love that purple hillside!
    A new garden sounds very exciting, there will be surprises and revelations as you potter about in it.
    Please consider sharing the garden's before, during and after snapshots...
    the garden is where I feel closest to my spiritual guide.

  14. Our old neighbor had a pomegranate tree that overhung in our yard, it was great. I am getting really excited about your new house, too!

  15. Annie, Love your cheese, wine and crackers vignette. So pretty. You could be a stylist.

    Can't wait to hear all about your new home. We have been in ours almost two years now and I am still just discovering plants from long ago, that seem to pop up at this time of year. Each year, I seem to find something new. That's the joy of living in an older home.

    Love that purple hillside! Isn't Spring amazing?


  16. This truly is a beautiful time of year...the hillside is stunning! Can't wait to see photos of your new home!

  17. I think when I first started reading here you mentioned the quality or lack of in the soil where you live now and how you were used to dirt like "devils food cake" or maybe I said that! Haha! Anyway, I'm sure your new garden is going to be amazing and I can't wait to watch it all unfold.
