
Honey Madeleines: Ann Willan, #27 of Gourmet's 50 Women Game Changers

Week # 27 of the Gourmet's 50 Women Food Changers is Ann Willan, the founder of the prestigious La Varenne Cooking School.  I didn't know that much about her, but as soon as I started doing a little bit of research I was instantly wondering...How did I not know more about her.   I am so grateful to Sue of the beautiful blog The View from Great Island who introduced me to this group of bloggers cooking and baking their way through the list which was started by Mary from A Perfect Bite.  
I chose Ann Willan's recipe for Honey Madeleins.   I only recently purchased a Madeleine tin when I made them for my Madeline's 17th birthday party.  After carefully following Ann's recipe and directions, I now know how to make proper Madeleines.  She gives very specific directions which of course is not at all surprising with her impressive background.
Ann writes, "Bake the Madeleines until they are puffed, golden brown, and just starting to pull from the sides of the molds, 8 to 10 minutes. Note that the peaked centers will be lighter than the rest of the cakes. Turn them out on a rack to cool. They are best eaten warm from the oven."  The recipe is perfect, of course.  At eight minutes in a 400 degree oven and the cakes were doing exactly as she said. 
They are delicious right out of the oven, but I'm sure my kids will enjoy them in their lunches today as well.  What has been wonderful about being a part of this group is that I have learned so much just in the few weeks in which I've participated.  The following bloggers are participating as well and I always enjoy reading everyone's choice of this week's game changer.  


  1. Hello Annie:
    Gosh your Honey Madeleines look absolutely wonderful and, we are sure, taste absolutely delicious. So professional and the perfect small cake for Afternoon Tea.Mmmmm

  2. Beautiful, Annie! They look very professional. I wish my mom would pack a few (or more) in my lunchbox!

  3. These look so good! I have wanted to learn how to make them. Thank you for the recipe.

  4. They look so good - and beautiful to boot. I look forward to what else you come up with!!
    Have a great weekend Annie.

  5. I could really go for one of those cookies right NOW.

  6. Annie,
    Your Madeleines are indeed lovely, and yes they do look professional.

  7. These look divine!!! One of my favorite all time treats. I gave you a little shout out today on my blog and linked back to you! You inspire me! xo

  8. These look deeeee-lish! You've just inspired me to put a madeline tin on my Christmas list! OXO Natalie

  9. You inspire me with your baking photos Annie! I love that you made Madeleines for your Madeline!

  10. Thanks Annie! I'm learning so much, too. I can't believe how many of the women I'd never heard of. I looked ahead and we'll be coming to Ina Garten pretty soon though!
    Your Madeleines do look professional, I'll have to give them a try.

  11. Annie! These look fabulous! I am tempted to grab one from the computer right now!

    Jackie :)

  12. Madeleines are such a favorite of mine. Yours look so perfect and a perfect choice to represent Anne Willan. Lovely!

  13. Looks like your madeleines came out perfectly. I haven't made any recently as I haven't figured out how to make gluten-free ones yet for my son, but to soon.

  14. I so love madeleines ....if only I could bake.

    if only I lived closer to you...

    xo J.

  15. I have never tasted a madeline and they look so enticing. I think those clever pans make all the difference. A box of those wrapped up would make such a nice hostess gift!

  16. As I researched Anne Willan - I also wondered, "Where have I been?" I have loved and been enticed by every recipe posted. And these madelines are no exception. Time to try them with a bit of honey. Yours are begging to come to my kitchen!

  17. I love madeleines and yours look perfect! Congrats!

  18. These are gorgeous--and exactly the recipe I use for mine. Willan is the best teacher of French food, and her cookbooks are the favorites of my collection.

  19. These look delicious. I haven't tried her recipe but having seen your results I know I must. This was a terrific choice. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  20. I made the madeleines too, and I agree these were so good. The specific directions made it very easy.
