
a pretty simple life . . .

Found here:http://muro-buro.com/
I wake each morning and make the beds, fluff the pillows and put them back in their place on the sofa, put away the dishes, fresh water for the flowers and open the blinds just so...

I come home and turn on just the right lamps, light the candles and maybe a fire, set the table and adjust the shades just so...keeping it pretty simple.  How do you make your house cozy?


  1. I get the kids off to school. Empty dish washer , load breakfast dishes. Make beds (5 plus a crib) open bamboo blinds 1/2 way, drapes, fluff sofa pillows, fold throws, collect laundry , strart a load and finish my coffee :)it is truly a ritual that has to go in that order . I know , issues. Did I mention the sweeping and vacuuming that happens after coffee? Clean= cozy

  2. I am with you, I love everything to be in its place. I want the house to feel like a good place to come back to for all of us. Fluffed pillows, clean towels, pretty flowers etc.

    On the other hand - my car is always a pigpen.

    I laughed about the polenta - because that was the first time I made it too! I had no idea it would be so good.

    Have a great weekend! xo Ashlyn

  3. Here in beautiful sunny Florida - home looks cozy when the sun shines through the palms and shadows dance across my floor. The sparkle of water reflects on my ceiling and the sound of shore birds greet us. Comfortable chairs and footstools too.
    Helen xx

  4. Oh I could so move into your home...
    you have a magical touch which is so very soothing.

  5. After everyone leaves for the day, I love to tidy up the house, make beds, etc. My day just doesn't feel right if I haven't done those things. Adding some cozy touches like flowers and candles give it that special little extra touch!

  6. i hadn't thought about it but i have little rituals too. opening drapes, making the bed, fluffing pillows. and now that it is getting dark earlier, the reverse. love all the photos of your house annie.


  7. I'm so glad I read this post...I often wondered if there was anything with me for wanting things to look pretty and tidy all the time...thanks Annie you made me feel better :)

    Claudia xo

  8. At night, now that it's gotten so dark and the trees are bare and spindly I light candles and put on outdoor fairyights, it makes the dark less gloomy.

  9. Hello Annie:
    We totally are with you in all of this. Fresh flowers for us too are an essential. Lovely.

  10. I like to have everything in place too with just the right lighting etc. Great quote.

  11. Inspirational and uplifting! Nice post!

  12. Too many people and animals in a small space for me to keep things as perfect as I would like them.

    But after a quick sweep or vacuum, change of flowers, a big hug with the dog and a brief moment with the cat I start to cook.

    Then my home becomes truly my own.

    xo Jane

  13. The flowers and candles look very cozy and inviting! When my husband cooks a pancake breakfast on the weekends, the house fills with the scent of the pancakes, and it feels really cozy and comfortable.

  14. I too find myself cozying the house up... differently now..as my boys are older 17 and one in college...they are home less so i make it extra cozy in various ways ... perhaps the smell of favorite foods, sometimes special music playing that is trendy or classic, maybe the current sports team or top ten on ESPN in the background on television, early morning the sound of the laundry machines going and breakfast starting,.. anything to imprint "home"..so they will always want to "come home" even when home is on their own...
    I love your blog,.. your style, your warmth and appreciation for family, and a sense of self. Thank you for sharing.

  15. The simple things in I do at home for my family give me so much joy!

    After the morning rush I begin making our home comfortable for all to return! Each day I open a few windows and doors, even in the winter, letting the fresh air sweep in, it's cleansing and healthy. This was a tip for a dear Danish friend!

  16. i can totally relate. i feel like i've become more & more like this since i started blogging. everything is just so much nice when it's pretty!

  17. Basically I do the same thing you do, but the flowers only last in our house during the summer months. During the winter, I have the hubby make a nice fire in the fireplace.
