
Giada's "Let's Get Cooking" Photo Contest

My twin sister (wearing the scarf) and I are huge fans of Giada de Laurentis.  This was taken several years ago at the Williams Sonoma store in NYC at Columbus Circle.   I don't know if you've been to a Food Network book signing lately...but the lines are long and people arrive hours before the store even opens.
These turn out perfect every time.  My daughter asked if I would make them for her school newspaper Thanksgiving feast...of course I will and I will plan my day around making them and delivering them hot for the party!
I'm not sure why I have never made popovers...maybe it's because I don't have a popover pan.  Giada's recipe is simple...you mix everything in a blender and pour the batter into mini muffin cups.  Check out the recipe and while you're there, please vote for me here!


  1. well, well, my first glance of dear sweet annie!
    it's about time you know! you and your sister both look so happy and beautiful. those popovers sound amazing too.


  2. Annie how do you vote, I couldn't see. Your popovers looks so good, I always thought you needed a popover pan too. I would love a mini popover, and yours look just perfect.

  3. Can you make me some!?!?!?! I'm drooling for one {right now}... Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to make them. By the way great photo & yes I'll vite for you!!!!! :)

  4. I love Giada too and I will save the popover recipe you are sharing her because -believe it or not I had never come across it - it sounds too good to be ignored :)
    I knew it was you on the left instantly...don't know why, I just knew...
    Have a great weekend
    Claudia xo

  5. I love Giada too! Not only is she an amazing cook, but she is so beautiful. Wish I could look that good making dinner ;)
    I love my mom's popovers, but mine never seem to turn out light and airy like hers - so I am definitely going to try this recipe out!

    Your photos are always so lovely, so I would be more than happy to vote for you - I clicked over to do that and I wasn't sure - are we just supposed to leave a comment on the page?

    It is fun to see a picture of you and your twin - now I can put a face to your blogging!
    xo Ashlyn

  6. Giada is a favorite of mine, too! The last Food Network book signing I went to was for Ina Garten. It was well worth the hour wait. She was just a lovely in person as she appears on her show.

    I bought a popover pan a year ago and admit that I still haven't used it. I guess my muffin pan would work just fine! After eating so many at the Neiman Marcus cafe, I was inspried to make some. Now, you have just reminded me that I need to bake up a batch!

    P.S. love the photo of you and your sister with Giada!

  7. Annie, these sound delicious. I think I will try them for Thanksgiving. Of course I will vote for you.

  8. Your popovers look great Annie. I will definitely cast a vote for you. I usually make a basic popover but I am going to try these to change it up a bit.

  9. You and your sister are as pretty as Giada!

  10. i make popovers every thanksgiving. these look great! have you had the ones at nieman marcus with the strawberry butter? it's a special treat and my mom and i look forward to meeting for lunch every holiday season (we've been going since i was 3) just so we can have popovers and chicken broth at nm.

  11. Hello Annie:
    Now, where cooking, baking, cookery in general are concerned we are, we regret to say, totally out of our depth except to say that we enjoy food immensely and are only sorry that we shall not be at your daughter's school's Thanksgiving party.

    Jó hétvégét.

  12. I commented but couldn't find where to vote? It was probably right in front of my face, lol. Great photo! PS I have made the sauce recipe you shared about a dozen times , my family adores it;)))

  13. I love to cook and these look amazing.Just read your post at Cottage & Vine..warm and inviting entryway. New follower.

  14. Gosh, these look amazing! You seem to be a good cook. Got me hungry!!! :-)

    Great picture w/ Giada.

    Have a blessed weekend.


    Luciane at HomeBunch.com

  15. I've experienced those NYC Williams-Sonoma book signing lines - sooo long! Here in Cleveland, the line is only 20 people deep, but we don't get as many authors. Popovers look fantastic. Makes me want to brush off my popover tins. Voted for you. Good luck!

  16. Annie! You are a twin!!! I knew you were good people! I'm a twin (fraternal, brother)…you two are adorable. It's funny, I will wait forever in a book signing line.
    Happy weekend,

  17. This is my first time reading your lovely blog and I have to say that it is like taking a mini vacation. Your home is beautiful. And your recipes look delicious. I adore Southern California. I have friends and family there and cannot wait to get back out for a visit.

  18. I might have to try these they look so good! Making my mouth water.

  19. I wish I had time to cook these amazing things you cook all the time. I've been a little overwhelmed lately. I'm going to vote for you right now. Maybe I'll add these to my Thanksgiving menu.
