
Trader Joe's + Lentils

 My sister was telling me about this salad she made with French green lentils, but by the time I stopped at Trader Joe's I knew there was no way I was going to make it to actually cooking green lentils and then tossing together a salad.  I'm trying to make healthier choices all day long so when I saw Trader Joe's steamed lentils...I knew this was the short cut I needed to stop me from veering off the healthy eating trail.  I still had to chop a few things, but the steamed lentils ready to eat right out of the package was just what I needed.  I did warm them, but that only took three minutes in the microwave.
Shallots, carrot, yellow bell pepper, fresh parsley and arugula.
I sauteed the thinly sliced shallots in a little olive oil until soft and then added my diced carrot and bell pepper.  Season with salt and pepper.
Cook until all the vegetables are tender and add them to the lentils.  Add the parsley,  arugula,  a little more olive oil and a splash of balsamic.  Toss together and then add a small amount of crumbled goat cheese.  I freeze my goat cheese for a couple of minutes, then crumble it into the salad and toss gently.  This way the cheese does not melt too quickly.
Available at Trader Joe's for $2.99. 
                                                     Linking up with:  Savvy Southern Style


  1. I've never tried the TJ's cooked lentils, but we must be thinking along the same lines about health, because I cooked yellow lentils tonight and I was surprised at how quickly they cooked...in about 20 minutes.
    I love all the colors in yours!

  2. I can't wait to share this with Tony. He is going to love this recipe. It looks delicious. Wish we had a Trader Joes close by!

  3. Now that was clever. I adore a lentil salad with goat cheese.

    And you have just made it more accessible:)

    xo Jane

  4. oh yum. this looks so good and easy annie. and i must comment on your photography! didn't you use to ask me about photography? holy cow your pictures look like they are staight out of a magazine.


  5. Annie,

    This salad looks so good...I will have to try it out. I have some French green lentils on hand but I might have to try picking up some of T.J.'s steamed ones. I am always in a hurry when I shop there and overlook some great things. I am going there tomorrow so I will have to pick some up!

    Linda in San Diego

  6. Looks delicious and the pics are beautiful - I never get food to look this great! :-)

  7. This meal looks fabulous. Your photos are gorgeous. I love the colours! This one is now on my meal plan for next week. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Beautiful photos! Looks like an easy, healthy and delicious weeknight meal. I'll give this a try.

  9. please oh please come and cook for me.

  10. I love Trader Joes! I mostly shop there and love so much of their product. This recipe is so YUM looking I will defiantly be trying it out. Thanks!


  11. Isn't Trader Joe's the best?! Yet another recipe I'm going to try. I love how quick and easy it is!

  12. i buy tj's lentils every time i go. i must try your recipe!

  13. It's funny because my sister is kind of addicted to cooking the lentils like this ones! They are so good! And I really like the way you take your photos!
