
October + Halloween

What I love about Halloween is that it's in the fall and I LOVE fall.   And I love that it's at the very end of the month so I can decorate on the first of October and enjoy it until the end. 
This makes me happy every single Halloween.  My friend Nancy (the same friend that gave me the thank you fold out book I wrote about here)gave me this little photo album to be  filled with photos of my kids and their friends dressed up in costumes throughout the years.  From Piglet to a Rockette, to Darth Vader and Dracula.  I love them all and it's so fun to look back through the years. 



  1. What a nice keepsake from your friend! I love that you used the pretty glass containers for fall items. Candy corn is my all time favorite halloween snack!! :) Happy fall- this is also my favorite season!

  2. I love fall too........although Halloween not so much. I love your display of candy though and the cute little pumpkin in the cappuccino cup! Love the picture of Madeline as a Rockette. Such a fun idea for a costume!

  3. Hi Annie, that is such a cute idea to make a book of all the halloween costumes! I think I may need to do that too! One year my daughter complained that she never got celebrated like her sister did (universal sibling stuff, right?) so I made her a little book of all her birthdays to remind her ...
    Your decorations on the sofa table are darling! I'd be dipping into the candy corn every time I walked by!

  4. Hello Annie:
    A Halloween journal, now that is something we have not head of before! What fun it must be to look back on all the parties and costumes from years gone by and what, we wonder, will come out of the dressing up box this year?!!!

  5. You know I love fall too, and it is especially sweet that we get to keep our Halloween decorations up for an entire month isn't it? I'm going to be setting up a little candy bar like that too.

  6. I love all the shaped jars with sweets that you have!
    An what a gorgeous idea for a Hallowen photo album!

    Abigail x

  7. Hi Annie

    It makes it tempting to see all the candies in such easy reach, I would not trust myself. I, too, love the journal and it must be a family treasure
    Helen x

  8. What a thoughtful gift! I love the colors she used too! I love that we have the whole month of October to anticipate Halloween too - it is a month of true fall weather and gorgeous leaves.

  9. I just found your blog and I'm enjoying the read! Those sweet jars are so pretty. Perfect for Halloween candy! :)

  10. Annie, I love your display of jars filled with treats! My only problem is that I'd take a handful of them every time I walked by. They'd be empty in no time flat! The photo book is such a great idea. Always fun to look back at the costumes over the years. xo

  11. We don't celebrate Halloween like in USA, but as USA's series/films are so popular here, people is starting to celebrate a kind of Halloween.
    I love fall colours too! :)

  12. I love your display of Halloween goodies! So fun!
