
Summer in the City - Part Two

There was a definite feeling of celebration in the air as you walked through the city once the news broke of New York legalizing same sex marriage.  The next morning, quite early we were surprised how quickly stores changed their window displays to reflect the new law.  Here's just a few of our favorites . . .
I was pretty excited about the chance to visit a Glassybaby store.  Unfortunately our timing was off...The store was closed when we arrived.   Anyway, we loved their display and if you don't know about Glassybaby, please read the story here.  It touches my heart way more than I can say, but I think you'll love it too!
Love is love.  That is so true.
The Gap.

Michael Kors.

A candy store on Christopher Street.

And the Empire State Building in color as we exited the subway on East 60th Street.


  1. Wow! How festive...I can't imagine how incredible the Empire State Building looked in person...so cool!

    ciao from Newport Beach

  2. How cool is that? I'm imagining the TransAmerica building in SF lit up that way if gay marriage is ever legalized in CA (again).

  3. how wonderful that you were there to witness all this. love is love indeed.

    hope you are having a fabulous time my friend.


  4. Love all the pics! Wonderful as always! Have a happy 4th of July! xxx

  5. wow, love all your pics...the colours at gaps are great and the michael kors shop...well needs no explanation...have a wonderful day :)
    Claudia xo

  6. I didn't even know about this, how can I be so behind?
    The shop windows are great. Thanks for the pics.

  7. Love these! It's a nice change from the red white and blue!

  8. Wonderful photos!!!! How great that you were there!!!!!
