
Summer in the City - Part Three

I love window boxes.  When we lived in Connecticut I loved planting window boxes for every season.  It was my way to make some sense of living on two acres, a lot of it wetlands, overgrown pachysandra and quite a bit of poison ivy.  Planting window boxes was my way of gardening when I felt like I needed a beginning, a middle and an end.  The rest of the two acres seemed to always need weeding, trimming....something.  When we were in the city last week I loved walking the streets with brownstones in search of window boxes.  I took these photos as we walked along Christopher Street in the Village.


  1. The window boxes are beautiful and I adore the wrought iron... magnificent... you are truly capturing the beauty of the city!

  2. Gorgeous - I love a good window box too! A great way for a home to show some of the owner's personality on the outside of the house. Your trip to the city looks fantastic!

  3. So gorgeous Annie, brilliant pics
    Claudia xo

  4. Thanks for taking us on your trip to NY! I love window boxes. Tons of houses in Minneapolis had window boxes that were amazing, don't really see it much here in So Cal or in Ca in general. Welcome home!

  5. Gorgeous! The combination of wrought iron and flowers is so European. I'm in DC for a couple of weeks and all the street lights are decorated with massive hanging planters of pink flowers. It's stunning.

  6. I love window boxes as well. Sadly my house doesn't lend itself to having some. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Ange
