
Say it isn't so . . .

My kids informed me this may be the last year they will dye eggs. . . As much fun as it is to see my children mature and have so many interests, it's still a little sad when they think they have outgrown a family tradition.  I'm guessing an Easter egg hunt in the yard is out of the question.  Especially now that we no longer live on 2 acres...I mean people could SEE them!!  If you are enjoying this Easter tradition with your little ones...enjoy every minute, they go too fast! 


  1. Oh no! That is too sad ... You must tell them that that my girls are still dyeing eggs and we couldn't have Easter without the big hunt and they are 27 and 21 years old! Do what I do ... put money in the eggs (and we hide them in the house!). At first it was quarters for their laundry at school and it has evolved into nice cash! I don't think they will ever give it up! Bribe them!!! ;)

  2. Have a lovely Ester Annie. Thank you so much for your comments on my blog. Enjoy your time with your family and have fun :))

  3. Why do kids have to grow up!! Stop!!! It's crazy how fast time just flies by & they know everything! Have fun... I'm sure you can squeeze in a few more dye sessions. Good luck & take TONS of pictures :)

  4. Thank you for your nice note on my blog. Happy Easter!

  5. Oh No!! I'm sure in a few years they'll be begging to dye eggs with you again! Have a Happy Easter!
    xo Melissa

  6. I agree with Melissa, they'll come back around. I would be so sad if my daughter didn't want to dye eggs anymore. I've found one of the greatest things about being a parent is reliving my childhood through my daughter.


  7. You never outgrow dying eggs and Easter egg hunts! They'll come around. Have a beautiful Easter with your family.

  8. Ah sure, they say that now... but its so much fun!

  9. Sweet family! I hope you get one more year out of them.
