
displaying family photos

For years I've cut out pages in magazines of how people display their family photos.  The new TRADhome magazine has a couple of wonderful features that shows just that.  I've always wondered...how many is too many?  Is there a right and wrong way to display them?  Are some rooms, like the dining room off limits?  This is how we have done it in our current home.  How do you display your treasured family photos?  I would love to hear.
Photos in my desk armoire.  I always think I'm going to change them from time to time, but then I get attached and just add a new one.
This is a built in at the top of our stairs. I had wanted this inset to be shelves where I could prop my various sized black and white photos.  We ended up with this...I'm not sure if this is the best use of space, but I tried a few other collections, like my McCoy pottery, but nothing has looked quite right.  The sizes are bit awkward and I'm not one to fill it with "stuff" from Homegoods or the like.  Everything has to have a story.  For a while I had all the pottery pieces my kids ever made.  My goodness there's a lot of it, thanks to the wonderful art programs at their former schools in CT.  The colors and shapes just gave me a headache. 
We hung the black and whites above the paneled walls in the staircase.

The good thing about moving is that it forces you to purge (I did way too much of that), sort (which helps you find and rediscover thing you forgot you had) and organize.  Over the years I've bought books that have to do with raising a young lady and a gentleman.  The yellow book my daughter and I found at the JFK terminal book store on our first visit back to New York a few months after we moved to California.  Our little controversy has to do with 2 pages in the book.  One says, "Limit your time in California."  The other, "Live in New York."  The truth is, I love both places.

Watching the ticker tape parade from my husbands office window at 100 Broadway.


  1. Wow. I feel like there are so many things to comment on in this post...

    1. I love the way you have displayed your photos. Love the collect of black & whites at the top of the stairs. LOVE! the gigantic photo of the two kids in the snow. How/where did you make that?!

    2. Overall, I love your clean, streamlined aesthetic. It's just beautiful.

    3. In the first photo, is that a collection of sand from different places around the world? That is so stinkin' cool. I want to copy that, too.

    4. I wonder why you should 'limit your time in CA'. It seems that there is a general consensus that CA folk have a 'me first' attitude. Do you think that's it? (Don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings... I'm originally from South Africa, so I'm not *technically* from California.)

  2. All I can say is - WONDERFUL!!! Love it all!! Beautiful home!! xxx

  3. hi annie,

    i love your home and how you've displayed your photos. all i can say is that the older your kids get the more pics you accumulate and where do we put them all? after years of struggling with the best way to display them i'm finally in a house that is so small, it dictated where they would go. i hung my favorites (all baby pics btw) mixed with other fav pieces on my bedroom wall b/c that is the only place they'd fit. i love them where they are at b/c it's kinda private and yet when someone does see them they are usually surprised. again, your home is so freaking beautiful!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Annie - I've been so behind on my blog reading (and blogging in general!) I LOVE all of your photos! I worked for a designer one time that told me personal photos were a big no no. I say BOO to that!!! You stairway photos remind me of that hotel featured in House Beautiful (???). It was the one with the black and white photo gallery and the large blown up vintage print. How is your house not in a magazine??
    xo Melissa

  5. Hi Annie. I love your displays, they are all beautiful
    Hope you are having a great w/end

  6. They're all gorgeous Annie, especially the white pigeon holes with the black frames... a great post. gxo

  7. Hi Annie,

    I love how you've displayed your photos! That picture of your son and daughter in the snow is great!

    And that panelling everywhere, beautiful!


  8. Beautiful display of family photos. You have done a phenomenal job. I love the gigantic photo at the top of the stairs of the children playing in the snow. Thanks for sharing.

  9. The wall ones in black&white are my favourites!! I want to do the same, but my bf goes mad about doing holes in the wall... The snow one is really sweet!

  10. Great wall display. We have done the same types of things (cross country moves, renovations). Following you :)

  11. Annie,
    I love your Blog. I clearly see your New England heart as I look at the beautiful changes you have made to your California home. I'm so happy to have found you.

  12. I have lived several times on both coasts...so happily (some stress) and purging with each move too. The collage of black and whites at the top of the stairs is perfectly awesome.

  13. You home is gorgeous! I'm a big fan of black and white photos on the walls. Adore the large canvas of the kids in the snow! Just perfect!

  14. Annie, your home has such a warm and welcoming feel to it. It's gorgeous too...I would say you have accomplished what we all strive for.

    I hope you had a wonderful Mother's day weekend.

