

Soup for dinner...I sometimes  make a green salad, but this soup is packed with vegetables, so sometimes it's jut soup with a little freshly grated Parmesan cheese and a baguette.
My husband loves to cook and I think he likes the chopping part way more than me.  We love making this soup and storing leftovers in 2 serving containers in the freezer.   We can have an easy and healthy dinner by just defrosting what we need.

I love using Dean & DeLuca Chili Powder Blend.  See it here.

Spicy Bean Soup is so good...find the recipe here.


  1. Love soups...
    handy to have a kitchem mate who likes to chop...it must make the soups taste much better...
    I think your soup spoons, unmatched, are the peak of chic!

  2. Mmh...that sure looks delicious!
    Will have to try that recipe!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Happy weekend! xxx

  3. that makes me want some soup! I love those white bowls in the first pic.
    happy early valentines day,

  4. All those yummy ingredients look sooo good! And the final product looks scrumptious- It makes me want to devour it, right now! thanks for a great recipe.
    Hope you'r having a good w/end :))

  5. I have heard you talk about your spicy bean soup before...... I can't believe I have never had it! It looks so delicious and fabulously healthy! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your serving presentation!

  6. Looks amazing! I am for sure trying this one!

  7. looks delicious. wish I had a bowl right about now.

  8. ohhhh!! I want to eat it! It looks so delicious!
    I love the first photo!! Neus*
