
did you know . . . ?

Did you know that Valentine's Day is the only day of the year you can get married at the landmark Empire State Building?  Read more about it here.  Here's a fun fact about me...my husband and I met and married in three months.  We were married on a sailboat...very romantic.  23 years ago, I think this would have had some appeal too!  Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. i had no idea that today was the only day you can marry at the empire state building. fun to know that about your and your husband...love at first sight!

  2. I think getting married on a sailboat is very romantic....tell us more...please!

  3. i'm with hostess. and i didn't know that about the empire state bldg. that would be so fun. i have a fantasy about marrying in all the states. wouldn't that be fun. we married in vegas and then later had a catholic ceremony so our kids would not burn in hell.


  4. Wow, it's pretty impressive the big red heart on the ESB, how romantic! Hope you enjoyed your V's day :))

  5. Janet and Hostess,

    Can you imagine getting married in only three months? You should seen all the looks and rolled eyes when people heard this...but now still happily married and it will be 24 years in August. We never did a church wedding...so I guess I am going to have to pray extra hard...although I did convert to Catholicism in 2001.

  6. what a sweet post, I always wanted to go up inside the empire state building ( at a wedding or any other time :))
    stop by my blog sometime!

  7. That is so lovely! Probably one of the most romantic places on earth! Have a gorgeous day, Kellie xx
