

I'm still trying to figure out if I'm going to stick with Wordpress or come back to blogger.  There are great arguments for both.  Between my frustration with trying to figure out why my photos look so much better here and the emails I keep getting from Apple about icloud,  oh and the move to Connecticut...I'm going a little batty!  Read more about this pizza over here.


  1. annie, these photos are magazine worthy. i'd like to know the advantages of wordpress.

    we went on a historic home tour of redlands tonight and found out that many of our city founders came from new haven conneticut. i know i spelled that wrong but i'm too tired/lazy to look it up.

  2. The decision is simple: you should just continue doing every post in BOTH! The best of both worlds.

    Of course, I'm kidding. But perhaps after you move you can spend a little more time getting to know wordpress before you decide? Hope things are going well preparing for the move. It's GOT to be stressful.

  3. Oh, Janet is right. Your photos ARE magazine worthy. I have to step up my game.

  4. These pics looks delicious! I´m staying put at Blogger for now, I´ve figured out what I need since they changed it so now it feels easy enough. :-)

  5. You're fabulous regardless of the format! Hoping the move is smooth and easy and that you love love love your new home!

  6. I'm not smart enough to use Wordpress!

    I must say, SoCal and now CT, two of my favourite places, you lucky duck Annie.

  7. Gosh I'm impressed that you have the time and energy to explore Word Press.
    How's the move going?

  8. You moved to Connecticut? Awesome! Love SoCal too though.

    I have never attempted WordPress either, it's a little daunting for me!

  9. I used to live in New England--New Hampshire, to be exact. Enjoy your time there--so much to see! I have another blog that is WordPress that I'm considering changing to Blogger. I've just had too many issues with WordPress, and I find it easier to post on Blogger.

  10. This pizza looks amazing, Annie!

  11. Yum!!! Looks better than the Dominos we just ate:)

  12. Hi Annie,
    Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my new blog. Mine is also WP and I bought a pro photo template and had no idea what I was doing, but after a while, I'm getting better at it. I've had blogs on blogger too, and yes its more intuitive, but after you get used to it, I don't think I would go back. The options are infinite and the photos DO look better and that's important to me! My blog is also going to be my entire website, eventually. One stop shopping! OH, where are you in CT? I live very close to Ridgefield, but in NY. my best ~ Laurel

    PS: Ina's home also inspired me. Years ago, I loved her sofa fabric so much, but at that time it was like $180.yd. NET (!) (at Clarence House) so I got two yards and made pillows. lol

  13. oh wait. I should've signed in with my new blog!

  14. Mmmm, this looks tasty, a pizza with the crisp of mushroom and spices.
