
Cucina Enoteca

Last evening we had dinner with our good friends at Cucina Enoteca.  I had never heard of it, but my friend knew I could not miss out on dining here before leaving for the east coast.  Imagine having dinner in an Anthropologie store.  The website describes it this way:  "A California inspired kitchen and wine shop." 
The lemonade infused with lavender was amazing.  Actually everything we ordered was delicious and served in a very creative, but down to earth way.  
I loved the bread baskets.  Everything from the lighting to the furniture, to the serving pieces are available for purchase. 
The patio was lit by a string of lights in the olive trees, inside an assortment of interesting pendant lights and even in the ladies room...I loved these sconces.
 This location is the first in Orange County at Irvine Spectrum, plus three locations in San Diego.  Check it out here.

I'm thinking of switching back to Blogger...is that crazy? Maybe, but I'm going a little crazy trying to figure out how to upload beautiful photos on my new blog.   I'm just not happy with the photos on my new wordpress blog.


  1. WHAT?! I know you mentioned you were unhappy with the photo quality before but I think they look beautiful.

    This looks like a great place. I'll have to see if I can figure out the lavender infused lemonade. There's an Algerian restaurant about a block down the street and they have lemonade with rosewater called cherbet. You either love it or hate it. I happen to love it.

  2. Oh Annie, I finally linked you up correctly and now you're returning home?

    Your pictures are beautiful either way. And that pizza is calling out to me. Hear it?

    xo Jane

  3. Your photos look up to your fabulous as always standard to me, too. I love the water in the milk bottles!

  4. Can you continue to write about local places (here) after you move? ... I swear I have lived here my whole life and haven't heard of half the places you share. This one looks like a "must visit". Sorry you are having problems with the blog - blogging is time consuming enough and soooo not okay when there are issues. I agree with Steve, your photos are beautiful but I do think they were better before. Thanks for the great restaurant idea. xo Sherri

  5. HI Annie! I was surprised when I saw this post in my blogger reader. I'm glad to hear that you're thinking of converting back to blogger. I really like it and I have a word press account with the local market that I blog for and I can't do as many things with the posts as I can with the blogger posts.

    I do admit, your pictures look amazing on blogger. They looked great on wordpress as well, but were a bit smaller and fuzzier on my end. Like Sherri commented above, blogging is time consuming enough so why make it harder than it should be. If blogger works better, then stick with it. You can set up a .com address with blogger easily so it doesn't say bloodspot anymore on your address.


  6. I would love to have dinner in a place that looks like Anthro! I love all of it - what a great place - and happy to hear that the food was amazing too.
    Your blog always looks great - but I agree with Jackie - whatever makes it easier for you since it is a lot of work anyway!

  7. WOW...I want to go to this place right now!!! Great photos!!

  8. Hello Annie

    I would certainly overspend in this restaurant. What an interesting concept.



  9. What a cool restaurant, you captured the vibe perfectly.

  10. I love the vibe that these images exude...
    I think I 'd be a very happy diner :-))

  11. Annie, Love this! Another one to add to my list when I get back down there. I love how you share all the great details that make it so special.

    I do have to admit your photos looks so much better here for some reason and I love your photos. Hope you enjoyed your weekend!


  12. Hello Annie:
    What a wonderful place this looks to have had dinner. It all appears so very creatively put together to make for a most interesting environment in which to eat. That and good food - can one ask for more?

  13. This place looks amazing! Love the chairs and the lighting!

    As for the blogger question, I was thinking of going moving to wordpress from blogger. Is it really so different?


  14. It looks like a great place! I'm not sure about the switch, as on your URL it looks like you are on blogger. hmmm ... the things I have no clue about ... you must be getting so excited about the move!

  15. I'm definitely stopping to eat at Cucina Enoteca the next time we're in Southern California! Everything looks so interesting!

  16. Your pictures look beautiful wherever, however...these seem to jump out at me where the others don't...ugh decisions, decisions. Whatever you decide we'll follow. On another note Cucina Enoteca sounds, and looks like a blast.

  17. Yet another great place to try before we move as well. We will be here until the middle of August. My daughter will be going back with us to attend Sacred Heart University School of Nursing. It will be an adventure for all of us I'm sure. Hopefully you can show me some amazing places to try in CT as well. Good luck with the move, although you must be a pro at cross country moves by now.

    P.S. You're pictures are always great but I agree they look better on Blogger. :)

  18. Annie,
    Oh, I totally would love that spot for sharing meals with friends.
    I am glad too that you share so much with us.....and yes, the images here look crisper but whatever you decide will be fine with me.
    I completely understand how you feel. All these decisions and choices need to sit right with one.

  19. Annie,
    Don't hate me, but the wordpress blog has a wee bit of that "cooler than me" thing going on and maybe that is why I liked the blogger site for you just fine. Do you know what I mean. I think this blog has a crispness and looks just right. I think we all have a bit of goldilocks....trying out things before we find the "just right" one.

  20. Hello Annie, I think your photos look great whatever the format! But agree with PVE that we all have a bit of Goldilocks in us and it's important to find a place that feels "just right." The restaurant looks delicious and fun - and I love that you can buy things and bring a bit of it home with you! Best wishes for your move! XO

  21. Oh how I would love a place like that nearby! You show us so many great places to visit on the west coast. Good luck with your move, can't wait to see the new house.
