
Love the Place You Live: Dana Point, California

Dana Point, California...at least for the next 71 days. Yikes!  When I read that Design Mom was going to have a link up called "Love Where You Live" I knew I had to participate.  Right now and for the last almost three years, we have called Dana Point home.  I have so many pictures of our beautiful beaches on sunny days, but I wanted this post to be authentic.  So on Saturday afternoon after baseball we went to the Dana Point Harbor.  Even on a gray day like it was on Saturday, there is so much going on. 
The Ocean Institute offers classes and tours of the Tall Ship Pilgrim.  Docents are dressed in period costume as they greet and guide you back in time.  Children from all over Southern California take field trips to the Ocean Institute.
 Stand up paddle has become hugely popular the last few years.  They rent boards and paddles by the hour and "baby beach" (as the locals call it) was the perfect place to get the hang of it before heading out to the open water.
I can't even begin to tell you how many versions of license plates we have seen that incorporate surf.  I wish I had kept a log...  We will miss a lot about California when we move back east, but I think for me...it will be the sunsets.  Even on the gloomiest of days...somehow the sun seems to make an appearance just as it sets.


  1. Annie, Gorgeous photos. You are so lucky to live in Dana Point. I would love to visit some day. My kids would love the Tall Ships program.


  2. Oh it looks so beautiful.
    I really hope we move somewhere else someday, I love my house but loathe the city we live in.

  3. Great post, it looks very inviting and beautiful! :-)

  4. We had dinner at a wonderful Italian restaurant (unfortunately I do not remember the name) when we visited there a few years ago...such a beautiful place!

  5. Annie, I love the images! You do live in a beautiful area!!!

  6. It's beautiful, Annie, as are your photos! How fortunate that your family got to experience it for awhile!

  7. Living by the sea is such a gift.
    Palm trees look so different than our fir trees too, they look tropical.

  8. Annie, so interesting to see other parts of the country. Dana Point looks beautiful. I love where I live in my Midwestern small historic rivertown. But, there has always been something about seaside living that pulls at my soul a bit. Who knows...maybe someday. Carrie

  9. I love the standup surfing people. That looks so fun--even in the gloom. And the sunset--AH! A keeper.

  10. LOVE Dana Point such a PRETTY place!

  11. When I see these - as usual I am missing living by the water!! It has been 8 months since we left Gig Harbor - can't believe it.
    You live in such a gorg place and I hope your new spot is just as beautiful Annie!

  12. We feel lucky to have you moving to our area in 71 days, though Dana Point will miss you! Such a pretty area.

  13. I'll be missing watching the sun rise over the water on the New England coast! We're in Iowa right now and 'between homes' might be the most positive way to put it...great post!

  14. hi annie,

    i have been struggling with my blog for 2 days now. i just now located my reading list! what a mess blogger has made of my life! hahha.

    i remember our oldest son who is now 33 spent the night on the pilgrim in the 5th grade. he loved it.

    i cannot believe you are leaving so soon. we must try to meet! xo
