
happy birthday patrick

 My son is 13 today...and since he has a one track mind...baseball-- every cake, every party is centered around baseball.  It's kind of perfect that his actual date of birth coincides with the start of the official baseball season.  Every year since about third grade he has been "sick" for opening day of the Yankees.  This year it fell on Good Friday and since he attends Catholic School...he stayed well and enjoyed the opening day without missing school.
 The cake he requested was a chocolate cake made with Hershey's cocoa.  He tells me that a friend in school brought cupcakes to school that "she" made and they were so good.  I would have loved to hear the conversation between two 13-year-old classmates.  Hopefully my cake meets his expectations.


  1. Happy Birthday to Patrick! They grow up way too fast! My nephew just turned 16 and is getting ready to take his driver's test. Yikes! Time sure does fly!

  2. I hope Patrick had a very happy birthday! His cake looks D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S! Wish I could have a slice.

  3. Happy Birthday got your son! I can't be,I've my oldest is 15 now!

  4. Happy Day to Patrick! Love your opening day tradition of being 'sick!' I'm sure he'll be boasting about your cake! :)

  5. Happy Day to Patrick! I'm sure his cake will be delish! Your photos of food are so wonderful Annie!

  6. Your little man is growing up. That cake is making my mouth water!!!

  7. Happy Birthday to Patrick! His cake looks delicious.

  8. Beautiful pictures. Patrick is one lucky kid. Your cake looks so good. Love the little decor on the top. We also have a 13 year old boy. Enjoy. They can be so funny and amusing at this age.

    Hope you guys had a nice break. Ours start next week and we are headed down to Santa Monica for a few days.


  9. that was my favorite chocolate cake recipe when i catered annie. it's so good. happy birthday to patrick!

  10. Looks delicious...really cute cake and I love the candles!!! Happy 13th to your son!

  11. Happy birthday to Patrick - I would love to hear the conversation between two 13-year olds. I'm sure they used your cake as a talking point :).

  12. Happy birthday to Patrick - I would love to hear the conversation between two 13-year olds. I'm sure they used your cake as a talking point :).

  13. Happy Birthday to Patrick! Annie, I love your creativity! So lovely!

  14. Happy Birthday to Patrick! Your pictures are stunning and inspiring!

  15. Lovely blog with so many interesting and inspiring posts! Love your work:) Would you like to follow each other?

  16. Happy Birthday, Patrick!
    Life is good! Chocolate and baseball chatter!
    You hit it out of the park, Annie!
