
s p r i n g

There is a definite feeling of Spring in the air... in Southern California it's cool and breezy.  Spring makes me think I need to eat more salads and less pasta.  Last week I went to lunch with a friend at Haute Cakes in Newport Beach and had a wonderful salad.  I tried my best to recreate it from what I could remember.  They do not have their menu online.
 I used baby lettuces, butter lettuce, avocado, dates, roasted mini heirloom tomatoes, goat cheese and pine nuts.  The dressing...a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard.  I could eat this everyday.
I am still experimenting with my chalkboard.  I haven't quite figured out which rooms I'll paint black or dark gray, but I do love just about any color against the gray.  I like when dark painted rooms also have window trim that is painted in the dark color as well.   Check it out on my pinterest board titled BLACK.
 What I love about blogging is that you meet a lot of really nice people.  Tomorrow I am meeting up with Mary Ann of Classic Casual Home to talk a little shop...(I still can't figure out why emails are not sent out when I have a new post)...so maybe we'll figure that out while we catch up.  On Monday I received a beautifully wrapped package from a blogger--Lynne of  Dream on 34th Street.  I won a pair of Eiffel Tower scissors and the package that arrived had all sorts of fun things in it. 
 I'll be using a few of these lovely items when I wrap up the little twig bird I chose for Mary Ann.  Fresh flowers were out of the question as a hostess gift because she travels a lot.   This little guy will wait for her return and won't make a mess while she's away.  I found him at Camps and Cottages in Laguna Beach.  The owner,  Molly Hyde English was in the shop today.  She has two books out and her lovely shop is filled with old original paintings, slip covered furniture, Pendleton blankets and all kinds of wonderful things old and new for a cottage or bungalow.  Her latest book, Vintage Cottages just came out in  paperback.
 Happy 1st day of Spring!
linking to:  Imparting Grace


  1. What a great pair of scissors! Your salad looks delicious. Have fun with MaryAnn tomorrow!

  2. Annie,
    Love your yellow vignette! You have inspired me to get a start on Easter now. Maybe yellow will be my color!

    Salad looks delicious. I haven't tried with dates before. Love that little bird guy.
    Will check out your black board!


  3. oh that salad sounds so good annie. you know i'm making it! how fun to meet a fellow blogger in person! we should try it you know?!

  4. Hi, that dose look like a nice salad, cute little bird.

  5. Hello Annie:
    We do so agree that spring is a wonderful time. Your salad looks absolutely delicious and very summery - it is exactly the kind of food that we also enjoy in the hotter weather.

    Yes, there are so many interesting and unusual people doing all manner of things to be found in the blogosphere. Such great fun.

  6. Yummy salad and lovely little bird! :-)

  7. Your salad looks delish! Lucky Mary Ann, the little bird is darling. I also spied some fresh wheat grass! :)

  8. Ooooohhh that salad looks so good!! I could probably eat that every day too - sure wish we could get together for lunch :)

    All of your pale yellow pottery looks so beautiful with the Easter touches!

    Have a great day Annie! xoxo Ashlyn

  9. Where did you find that cute bird?

  10. I'm not sure I have ever commented on your very lovely blog, but I feel I must thank you since now I will have stolen two tabletop ideas from you. THANK YOU! I normally hate Easter decorations, but I never would have thought to use orange and yellow. Love it! I will be "borrowing" that idea. (oh, and the other idea I borrowed was the darling Thanksgiving table with the denim napkin rings...so fresh and beautiful!) So thanks very much!

  11. What a pretty salad, and I just ADORE your yellow -- looks like McCoy -- pottery! I collect McCoy and other similar pottery and only have one small yellow piece. The tall vase is fabulous.

  12. I am such a lucky girl!!! Love my twig birdy (he'll be on my blog tomorrow).
    So fun to have you over today...not much blogging talk but I had a great time.

  13. I wanted you to give me some photography tips...next time!

  14. Oh, that salad looks amazing!! I am a big fan of the yellow:)

    Amy R.

  15. Those scissors are awesome! Yummy looking salad too.

  16. Happy Spring to you too! Love the adorable little bird, the yellow photo, and I am anxious to try that salad!

  17. Happy spring to you Annie! Your salad sounds and looks incredible, I think it is one I will have to try. I hope you had fun with Mary Ann

  18. Annie,
    What a precious little bird!
    Thank you for the beautiful shout out! I am so pleased that you enjoyed your gift.
    I love your yellow story and I thank you introducing me to Mary Ann's blog!

  19. Salads with a lot of fun mix-ins and components are the best! This sounds like something I could eat every day.

  20. What a beautiful, springy post! Your photos are just beautiful--real "eye candy."

    I'm trying to eat more salads, too! The one you feature looks yummy. I'll have to try that.

    Thanks so much for linking to Grace at Home! I really appreciate it.

  21. Annie,
    Not getting your posts in my reader again, darn it. I just signed up for an e-mail subscription.

    That salad looks amazing. I'm feeling like salads a lot lately too as the weather is warming up.

    Also love your black background for photos. Makes everything really pop!

  22. Yum, that salad looks delish! I've never thought of adding dates, must try it.. Really love your collection on Pinterest too, very inspirational! xx

  23. What a beautiful photo tribute to spring. Your photos are really lovely. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  24. Love your beautiful vignette with the little bird. Have fun meeting Mary Ann! Adore the twig bird, by the way.

    Happy weekend, Annie!


  25. Isn't it funny how our bodies tell us to change our habits according to the seasons? I have been eating lighter as well and feel so good. Would love to be able to meet you and Mary Ann! Happy spring to you Annie!

  26. Gorgeous photography here! Love the photo of the little twig bird especially.


  27. Your yellow McCoy is beautiful, and I love those scissors! Lucky you!
