
orange dreamsicle shake

We've been just a tad obsessed around here with what we are calling a dreamsicle shake.  I may be dating myself, but does anyone else remember Orange Julius?  Oh my gosh, they were so good.  There was one at our local mall growing up and I can still hear the whirring noises of all the blenders going in unison.   I looked up the recipe...well no wonder they were so darn tasty...sugar...and lots of it.  We make ours with frozen yogurt or vanilla ice cream and fresh squeezed orange juice.  YUM!
There are so many different kinds of oranges.  I'm definitely going to make this salad.
Orange is everywhere right now...the California weather has been really warm and the sunsets have been amazing!


  1. That seascape is fabulous!
    I wondered what the key ingredients were in an Orange Julius I could never recreate them and goodness knows I tried.
    We named our V.W. Westvalia Camper van Orange Julius!

  2. I've never had the orange julius but it sounds yum! And that salad looks fantastic. Hope you are having a good day xo

  3. Annie,
    Looks yummy. I think we will make this tomorrow. My son's favorite Jamba Juice flavor is Orange Dream Machine, so I'm sure they will like this.

    LOVED Orange Julius!! I always had the Strawberry ones. Remember how foamy they were?

    Weather has been crazy nice here too!

    Another pretty post!


  4. Wow, that last pic is really something! Have a great day! :-)

  5. Wow....salivating! How do I sign up to get your posts by email? Oh wait....I see a little link below this comment box....

  6. No that's just to subscribe to comment follow ups by email.

  7. Just the sort of fresh squeeze I love....a bit of citrus, the color orange and a blast from the past. Loved Orange Julius!
    Gorgeous images. What kind of camera do you have?

    1. I use a Canon, eos rebel T3. I purchased it about a year ago, so it's already outdated, but I still like it.

  8. YUM!!! Now I want a dreamsicle shake! {thanks a lot, Annie!} When we were kids I'd always order an orange float instead of a root beer float when we'd stop at A&W.

    Glad you are enjoying this lovely weather. I'm in Arizona and it's been gorgeous the past few days!

  9. HI Annie. I love that photograph at the end, amazing!! I loved orange julius as a kid. So funny that our malls don't have those type of places anymore. I also loved Aunt Annies pretzels as well. The malls in California are so fancy that they only have gourmet shops and my kids want the soft pretzels etc.

    I am totally going to surprise my kids and whip these up today for their after school snack. About how much fresh squeezed orange juice did you use (was it to taste?) and did you use vanilla or plain yogurt?

    1. We used vanilla yogurt...so that it's sweet enough without adding extra sugar and just a little orange juice.

      My favorite memory of Aunt Annie's pretzels was a college tour trip last fall in Philadelphia. We were racing back to the train station and the only thing without a line was Aunt Annie's pretzels before we caught the train back to Penn Station. We were so hungry...a pretzel and a lemon and never tasted so good! I can't walk by one now without thinking of how good they were!

    2. Thanks for the reply Annie. I actually picked up vanilla yogurt thinking that is most likely what you used. I also just noticed you said frozen yogurt, oops! I will just add some ice cubes and it should all be good.

      What a fun memory! My kids love Aunt Annie's and when we go back to PA or MN the kids always want to stop at a mall to grab one. I will let you know how my smoothies turn out. I'm making them in 30 minutes!

  10. Oh, I love those straws as well. I have them in turquoise and green. My kids love drinking with them and I love that they are compostable.

  11. Love the pics and the adorable staws!! I so remember Orange Julius and I think I want to make these pronto!

  12. I loved Orange Juilius, I can taste it right now just thinking about it. But your version looks even better. Your photo of the ocean is incredible, and I just love how you weave a simple color scheme into your posts. For those of us on the other coast you really provide a welcome bit of sunshine, thanks!

  13. The shake looks divine! I remember Orange Julius and now you have me craving one! Can't get over your gorgeous sunsets either. Wow!

  14. I think at one time there was an Orange Julius in every mall....sounds delicious!

  15. I loved living in Orange Co. California! Miss the Orange sunsets too! Balboa Island had an Orange Julius Shop next to the ferry! YUM... so good! Thanks for reminding me of all the lovely things that are Orange! It's also a favorite color... bright and cheery!!

  16. OOh I want one now! I love the idea of using the vanilla yogurt. There was one going around pinterest but it had an entire cup of sugar - yikes! I will definitely be trying your version soon. Thanks Annie! And gorgeous images, especially the last one. Love!

  17. The orange shake sounds delicious. I love anything made with oranges! And the sunset is beyond gorgeous!

  18. DREAMSICLES RULE!!! I have to go make on now! Excuse me (and thanks for sharing... great idea)

  19. Oh, I absolutely LOVED Orange Julius!!! :) Love your blog too!! xox, Blair

  20. Yes...California love all the way :P

    Minted Magazine


  21. I used to take my kids to Orange Julius all the time...we all loved those wonderful orange drinks. I'm going to try your Orange dreamsicle shake. It sounds delicious, and I bet my grandkids would love it.
    Your last photo is amazing!! Such a gorgeous sunset!

  22. Oh my goodness, this is so nostalgic for me! This was my favorite thing *ever* growing up and the place that had the *best* dreamsicles was Red Robin (c: Now you have me craving Red Robin (c:

  23. Yum - these look so good! I do remember Orange Julius too! We used to make them at home from a church recipe cookbook - and yes, I recall there was quite a bit of sugar in that recipe - frozen oj concentrate too! We used to make them after school! Yours sounds much better!

  24. Has Orange Julius disappeared?! I swear I've had one in the last 5 years! These looks so good!

  25. Annie,
    My hubs is always taliking about Orange Julius!! He grew up in So. cal and says how much he misses it...I must make him a dream sickle shake.
    Hope you and your family have a great weekend!

  26. Annie, I am quite sure I will be able to think of nothing else until I make my own Orange Julius! Thanks for reminding me!!

  27. Yum! I remember Orange Julius, they were delicious. Thanks for sharing, I may just have to make my own now. Happy weekend.

  28. I do remember Orange Julius. Maybe I should check into these shakes when I come for spring break. Several years ago date shakes were the rage.
