
a new book and a winner!

In Saturday's mail I received this beautiful new book.  I was the lucky winner of a give away on Stephanie's blog, La Dolce Vita.  She was so generous that she actually let the winner choose from a very well edited selection.  I'm so happy that I chose "The Perfectly Imperfect Home" by Deborah Needleman, the founding editor of Domino Magazine.  It's filled with charming illustrations by Virginia Johnson and quotes by famous decorators/designers.  This is a book I will read cover to cover and study the illustrations over and over.  It makes me so excited to start making our new (old) little house a home in Connecticut.  This book is going to be my road map.  Thank you Stephanie!

and the winner of my little collection of black & white things is:  Jane!  Funny how this worked out today.  Jane is having a link party called "Flowers in the Wintery House."  I was thinking I wouldn't link up, because my flowers are looking a little sad...I always have in the past, but I was feeling a little out of sorts shall we say with my Trader Joe's roses. Jane is an amazing floral designer and has the most imaginative arrangements all over house.  She says things like, "so if you have a stem of black raspberry, add that to the mix." All things considered, I don't think Jane will mind if I link up to her blog, Small But Charming.  Check it out...it's fun to see how everyone uses flowers in their pretty homes.


  1. Yay for you and Yay for Jane!! That book looks fab! I refer to my Domino book all the time.
    Amy R.

  2. No flowers? Who cares! I won your give away!

    Thank you. My day just keeps getting better and better.

    Now if only I could stop sneezing:)

    xo Jane

  3. I spy a Bonne Maman jam jar -- one of my favorite vessels for arranging flowers. Congrats to Jane and to you too. I'm dying to read the Perfectly Imperfect Home. That and Undecorated are at the top of my list.

    Why are the Trader Joe's roses making you unhappy?

  4. Books are one of the gems of a great home! How exciting you won Perfectly Imperfect Home! xoxoxo.

  5. I like imperfect. I've seen this book at Anthropologie. I considered buying it for myself for Christmas but didn't. I really want it now though as Deborah Needleman was a keynote speaker at the conference I just went to!

  6. Your moving??? I feel like a good neighbor is moving :(
    How happy for you though Annie - I know how much you love the East Coast. I will look forward to seeing what you do to this next house - I know it will be incredible! The book sounds lovely - one I have not read. I linked up with Jane as well - thanks for sharing her too. xo Sherri

  7. Lovely book but even lovelier table, you should be a stylist Annie.

  8. Congrats to you and to your winner!
    My dream is to illustrate a book one day....with all the most lovely things.

  9. I spy roses in a sweet jar on a wonderful surface and I'd love to know who makes the candle!

  10. so glad jane won. and now i've got to get my hands on that book. it looks pretty fabulous. xo janet

  11. Oh good for you!
    I have heard a few bloggers who have been praising this book. I'll be interested in what you have to say after you've finished reading it.

  12. Yay! I am so happy you like it! Thanks too for the sweet words - I am so glad you entered so that I could find your Most Lovely page.

  13. So jealous - I've been meaning to get the book as I'm a huge fan of Deborah Needleman's and my home is certainly imperfect! Congrats all around...

  14. Lucky you and Jane. I don't know her blog. I will tell her you sent me.

  15. So this is off subject but you collage your photos like I do - can I ask ... what program are you using? I have been using Picnik and now that they are closing I am lost. Help! Thanks Annie!

  16. Hi Sherri,
    I use Photobucket. Check out Ashlyn's blog for some really beautiful and creative collage work. http://pineconeplace.blogspot.com/

  17. Looks like a really interesting book!

    I'm a new follower, can't wait for your next posts!



  18. You will love that book. The illustrations alone are worth it!

  19. congrats on the win! I've been dying to see that book in person - it looks so beautiful! btw: we visited Scottsdale a couple of years ago and loved it.
    Thanks for popping by so I could discover your lovely blog. :)

  20. Oh that book looks lovely! Don't you just love Stephanie? :o)

  21. Annie, I have the book. You are going to love it!

    Great pictures from Arizona. Really enjoyed seeing all the beautiful stops. I went to Scottsdale for the first time two years ago and really enjoyed . It's a pretty place and the shopping is tops!!


  22. Oh Annie you'll love your new book. I received a copy for Christmas and have thoroughly enjoyed it, the illustrations are so fun!
