
Lunch at Arcadia Farms, Scottsdale, Arizona

I arrived just in time for lunch at Arcadia Farms in Scottsdale, Arizona.  it is the quintessential  place to have lunch if you are in the area.  When we first walked in they asked us if we had a reservation.  I looked around at all the empty tables while my sister said that yes we did have a reservation, but we were a little early.  Within 15 minutes the place was buzzing and nearly every seat was filled.  
The restaurant takes up the entire block of First Avenue, just off Goldwater Boulevard and Marshall Way in Old Scottsdale.  There is a restaurant, a separate building across the street for take-out and sweets and it also houses their catering division.  Next door is where the owner resides behind a gated courtyard.
Since the restaurant was originally an old house, there are several rooms, courtyards and the entire interior is in black and white...of course I loved it!
The food was delicious.  We shared warm chopped vegetable salad and seared salmon over greens.
Phoenix has so many innovative restaurants with wonderful menus and many are in buildings that have been renovated from an old car wash or a post office.  Tomorrow...Postino!


  1. HOW fun....my cousin lives nearby...have to go there when I visit. note to self. It's snowing in Mammoth, Whew.

  2. Looks and sounds wonderful. My kind of place. M x

  3. What a great looking place and that salad looks awesome. Scottsdale is beautiful, great art galleries and, of course, Talieson West. Looks like you had a great afternoon.

  4. Oh my, the buffalo plaid on those settees looks as good as the food. What a gorgeous restaurant! Happy weekend Annie!

  5. Annie, Arcadia Farms is one of my favorite lunch places. When I go there I always feel special.

  6. omg i love the interior! that buffalo check against the wood paneling. it is gorgeous! i need some buffalo check now! xo janet

  7. I haven't been to Scottsdale in 10 years and with two teenagers in tow, we didn't get to experiment too much with restaurants. Did squeeze in some shopping at least...I think this city is overlooked sometimes but it really is a great place to visit, so much to do and see there.

    Linda in San Diego

  8. That warm vegetable salmon salad looks fabulous. I want to re-create it. Do you know what type of dressing was on it?

  9. Beautiful interiors, concept, and post! Converted vintage retail spaces & historical buildings that find a second life as restaurants, bistros, coffee houses, etc... have such character. The afternoon sounds like my idea of fun. We love to drive over to Natchez, MS and have lunch at Carriage House restaurant. It is on the grounds of the historical Antebellum mansion Stanton Hall, circa 1858. History & gorgeous interiors go well with a meal, don't you think? Look forward to reading all things Postino!

  10. I LOVE this place - we went for brunch last year when we visited friends in Scottsdale. A picture perfect day with the sun shining but also a breeze, sat outside and feasted on fabulous food! Be sure to see the Scottsdale Museum of Art and have lunch across the way...

  11. Looks like an interesting and eclectic spot to visit. Black and white look fabulous together and this interior image looks casual and yet elegant.
    Yum! Warm veggies and salmon over greens is making my mouth water, it's gorgeous to look at too.

    It must be toasty and warm in Arizona, our recent snow has me longing to go somewhere warm. This looks like just the place!

  12. Hello Annie:
    This looks exactly like the kind of lunch destination which we should very much enjoy. The food looks simply done with fresh ingredients, what could be nicer? And, the restaurant's interior decoration is so very stylish. The black and white check upholstery is wonderful. Just the right balance between being smart without being over complicated. Perfect!

  13. Beatutful! I'm going to have to go there –I'm just in Tempe.

  14. This place looks amazing! I have to go there the next time I visit Scottsdale. Oh, how I love Scottsdale! Especially this time of year.

  15. I am putting this place on my list for my next trip to Scottsdale. I could really use some sunshine and heat after all the snow we've had here. I'm planning on going again this fall and am so looking forward to it!

  16. What a lovely restaurant! Don't you just love finding special places to have wonderful meals? So special, thanks for sharing.

  17. Annie,
    Thank you for taking me to Arcadia Farms. What an amazing experience. I had been deliberating about adding some black and white check accents to our living room. I hope you don't mind that I print and place the photograph of the interior on my dream board!
    Have a lovely Sunday!

  18. I love everything about this restaurant! It's on my list of eateries! Enjoy the warmth of Arizona and the time with your Sister.

  19. Gorgeous design and the food looks so good!

  20. It looks delicious - what a perfect spot for lunch! As if the warmth and sunshine weren't enough reason to visit AZ. I'll get there one day!

  21. Goodness, I've missed quite a few posts here. Next time my husband goes to AZ, maybe Little Miss S and I should tag along!
