
Soaking up the December Sun

Next year at this time we will be back on the east coast...so this year, we are soaking up every minute of the warm weather we have been having in Southern California.  Yesterday we met up with our East Coast friends for a little picnic lunch...California style.
Preparing for the picnic...we made Ina Garten's corn chowder and kept it warm by heating a pizza stone and a Le Creuset and then putting the soup cups in the heated pot until we got to the beach. This kept the cups of soup piping hot until we arrived at the beach.  Box lunches included sandwiches, chips and chocolate chip blondies with sea salt wrapped in parchment paper.  We loaded the car with beach chairs, table in a bag, cooler and footballs and had a wonderful afternoon enjoying 75ยบ temperatures.


  1. I'm so sad you'll be leaving So. Cal. We must try to connect before you leave!

  2. Enjoy the warm weather! The beach is beautiful! We will be heading out your way (hopefully) in the spring to visit our good friends in Long Beach/Del Mar and family in San Diego. We are so excited. The picnic sounds delicious! I love anything by Ina Garten.

  3. This is my kind of picnic! Everything looks delicious! What a great tip on keeping soup warm. Hope you had a great Christmas!

  4. Was this just for a family picnic? What a great idea.

  5. Oh wow, the envy is dripping from me just now.
    I love that red and white string that you have, I can't find anything like that here.

  6. Oh, that sounds PERFECT!!! I love the beach and I love picnics. What a fabulous combination -- and the menu sounds scrumptious too.
    Happy New Year!

  7. Food tastes so much better by the ocean.
    Happy New Year


  8. Every time you talk about CA I miss living there so much!!!! I am trying so hard to get used to the east coast life (or actually just getting used to the area we are in.)

    You definitely have to check out the book that you got Madeline - I think it will be a great help next time you are in NYC. I can't wait to see some of the places the author talks about.

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. It has been hard to keep up with the blogging this week don't you think?!


  9. Looks delicious and of course beautiful as well. We will be on the East Coast by January next year, hopefully before then but for sure within the year. When do you leave?

  10. Great tips, menu and setting! We will be having alot of beach picnics in2012 . I hope your move to the East Coast allows us to meet in person one day. I'll prepare the picnic:)

  11. What a fun outing, and the food looks delicious! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes for a very Happy New Year!

  12. Saw your blog when I was looking at LaDitta Design blog designs and had to stop over! Happy to be your newest follower. This picnic looks amazing and makes me so excited to be heading to Florida next week!



  13. What a perfect way to spend the day...warm weather will not be coming to Chicago anytime soon. Are you moving?

    Happy New Year Annie!

  14. omg are you moving back east!? that is SO incredibly exciting if you are!! what a beautiful beach picnic. such a treat for your east coast friends i'm sure!! happy new year to you and your family!!!!!

  15. Annie, you really know how to live in STYLE!!! Great idea for keeping the soup warm. I have used that recipe before...delish.

    Still in Mammoth and praying for more snow!
    Happy New Year.

  16. Love this - picnics are great! Happy New Year to you! :-)

  17. I agree with Mary Ann ... you REALLY do know how to live in STYLE! I never get tired of your ideas - thank you for always inspiring me ;D Happy New Year Annie! xo Sherri

  18. Love this! I just ordered that red bag!
