
Small But Charming . . . flower(s) in the holiday house

I never miss a party at Jane's ...but looking around my house I have plenty of fresh greens, but only this one rose...I mixed it with my new beads I purchased at The Groves Antique Market in Irvine, CA a few weeks ago.  I even added a string around my re-purposed fig jam jar. 
So Jane, I hope you don't mind that I came to your party almost empty handed...just the one rose, but we are not all professional like you.  Check out Jane's blog for a little holiday inspiration and join the party.
                                                       Linking with:  Small But Charming


  1. I love what we can do with a jam jar, re-purposing them is so much fun. I hang the in the summer as candle holders but how smart of you to add the rose!:) perfect

  2. Um Annie, I think this whole set up is waaaay more charming then you're letting on.

    love the beads, love the one rose in the re-purposed fig jar. And of course I love fig jam.

    You have just made me one very happy woman. Thanks for coming by:)

    xo Jane

  3. Oh you have a wonderful way if juxtaposing things in new and fresh ways.

  4. Beautiful! Going to check out Jane's blog now.

  5. Very nice! And I love pines as an ornament too!

  6. Really cute images an love the layout.

    Abigail x

  7. Your single rose and setting is a winning combination. Very creative

  8. Your single rose is perfect, especially paired with those lovely beads!

  9. How funny, ive been throwing beads around the place too... This is a really lovely combination, especially love how it's lit by candlelight.

  10. So pretty...going over to Jane's now...

  11. I am here from Paula's and she was so right. Your blog is quite beautiful. Your photos are great! I look forward to future posts. I hope you have a great weekend.

  12. Your single red rose and beads is very pretty!

    Also, I wanted to let you know that you have been given a Blog Award! See my post here!

    Hope you have a great weekend!
