
t h r i f t i n g

Before I started reading blogs (I don't even know what I did all day) I thought thrifting was my huge discount at William Sonoma.  But recently I have discovered the real meaning of "thrifting."  Yes, I do know that thrifting is not a word.  I've learned from the best out there in blog land.  First, there's Janet at The Gardener's Cottage.  She has been posting beautiful outfits that she has put together for under $10.  She looks amazing!  Then there are those talented girls in San Diego and the stuff they find...ah-mazing!  Amber (The Girl is Craftee), Bianca, (Bink & Boo),  Grace, (Grace Happens), and Melissa, (Seagrass Interiors) and (Bixby & Ball.)

Bakelite...I have several belts made by Boston based designer Hadley Pollet.  Her original designs incorporated Bakelite pieces as belt buckles.  Are you familiar with Hadley Pollet? 
So many beads . . .

So many gorgeous Christmas decorations that reminded me of things my grandmother had.  Many of the vendors have things arranged beautifully and yet you can walk away with a vintage ornament for a few dollars.
There was so much silver that my friend Elizabeth has the idea that we should put together a set for my daughter.  There were boxes of silver, unpolished for $1.  For $3 you could buy a single piece of silver plate flatware.  My daughter is 17, so she was not nearly as excited as we were...the thrill really is in the hunt.  And in 10 or 15 years, even Madeline may agree.  In the mean time Elizabeth and I will spend the first Sunday of the month at The Groves Antique Market at the Orange County Great Park.  Unfortunately it rained last Sunday so everyone packed up early...being from the East Coast...rain, sleet, snow never deters me...I only found a couple of things, but will be back next month and hopefully the sun will be shining.
I found this champagne bucket at the Assistance League Thrift Shop in Laguna beach and the amber bottles at the flea market.  I love the color, especially with the orange....something I picked up on the way back from my son's school.   Found any treasures lately?


  1. I had the best fleas and thrifts to go to when we lived in TX - Roundtop and Canton - loved those!! I haven't been to one in so long. It looks like so much fun...I really love your flatware for Madeline idea. She will appreciate it at some point. I remember when my mom used to always go looking at towels or linens when we were shopping - and I would think - how boring! Now that's me. Plenty of other ways that I am turning into her too that I don't want to talk about ha!
    Are you close to Orange?? When we lived in Long Beach I loved going to Orange to shop at Old Towne Historic district.
    Ok, enough blathing on...love the champagne bucket.

  2. hi annie, i recently found a silver champagne bucket for a friend at an estate sale for $15. i'm curious how much yours was in orange county.
    thanks for the shout out and i think that is such a great idea for madeliene.

  3. I'm a sucker for the vintage Christsmas ornaments, I'm always on the hunt. Madeliene will love the silver, I love the idea of a mis-matched set of vintage silverware, how chic

  4. Take the silver, Madeline! Take the silver!

    I think those are pyracantha berries.

  5. I love all of that! Especially the beads and the Christmas items.

  6. Hello Annie:
    We agree that there are the most wonderful treasures to be found at flea markets but one does need a very early start and a lot of time to look through things carefully and be ahead of the pack.

    In Budapest there is an enormous flea market situated on the outskirts of the city and filled with so many things that it takes the best part of a day to see it all. If busts of Lenin are what you are looking for, then look no further!!

  7. wow your treasures are gorgeous...am a bit jealous as I haven't been to a flea market for ages...must do it soon

  8. What an absolute treasure trove!! Madeline's a lucky girl, even if she doesn't know it yet... Love the berries and amber bottle arrangement too. xx

  9. I wish I took the time to go thrifting. I use to work in interior design and I was always out and about at the local antique stores or the design center and I knew where to get what. Now that the kids are getting older and my furniture needs a new makeover, I am going to get back into that groove again. We have some wonderful stores in San Anselmo and San Francisco that I can't wait to check out. It's always the little unique items that add that special touch.

  10. I want those beads! I can just imagine glass bowls / urns filled of the sea glass colored ones with pillar candles:)))

  11. Now that is my kind of thrifting! Although, a good sale table at Williams Sonoma gets me going too! I could go crazy there. Love your idea for silver for Madeline. She will appreciate it when she gets old, I promise! If I lived closer, I'd be right there with you. So fun!

  12. Annie! My palms are getting sweaty just looking at these pictures! Are all of these taken at The Groves Antique Market? I've never heard of it. I want to go! Honestly, I was like you until I met the other girls you posted about. I liked thrift stores, but I didn't know where the good ones are. They gave me the inside scoop on where the best flea markets/thrift stores are. Before I met them I was clueless.

    Oh my goodness, I want one of everything you have posted here! Thanks for linking me up too!


  13. I want to go! I had so much fun when we went to the Rose Bowl flea market! I love my yellow table. :)

  14. Annie: I wanted to go to the Groves last Sunday but I drove up to Mammoth (in the rain). I collect silver and silver plated teaspoons that I use everyday for coffee and tea (especially love sugar spoons with the little holes). Perhaps I can join you next month?

  15. Wow, for only $1 a box?! That is such a bargain! I will need to go on a hung for such beauties myself

  16. Love this post and thanks for the shout out! I have that exact sea glass neckclass pictured amongst those beads. It was a birthday gift from melissa and she sells them in her store:) I saw the vendor at the rose bowl flea and the beads are just beautiful!

  17. How beautiful. I love the vintage Christmas balls; I actually have a small collection that I have been able to put together by perusing yard sales here in Maryland. Thank you for the pictures!

  18. I NEED those vintage German clip mushrooms!

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  20. Seriously, what did people *DO* before blogs?? (c: And you have a serious thrifting gift, those are some fabulous finds! Have a great weekend!

  21. Hi Annie!

    Thank you for the shout out (i'm SO incredibly behind on my blog reading!!) Do I see a thrifting field trip in our future???? : )

  22. I love all the colors, vintage Christmas and silver. The Christmas ornaments remind me of my Grandparents Tree... Sparkly and Bright!!

  23. Annie, I love your finds. Also love that you put berries instead of flowers inside the amber bottles, a very delightful arrangement!


  24. One of my favorite things to do in Cleveland is going to all of the fabulous estate sales. Looks like you stumbled upon some great finds!

  25. I for sure see a thrifting field trip in our future! Oh my gosh I am going crazy over all the silver!!! Thanks for the mention!

    Wishing you sunshine & cheer...and a wonderful Thanksgiving. ;)
