
toast & jam + home made bread

I found an old cookbook that my husband and I received many years ago.  In 1993 I had no interest in making bread.  It seemed far too time consuming and involved staying around the house all day.  Now, that's exactly what I love about making bread.  Luckily the book, The Il Fornaio Baking Book is a beautiful black bound book so when we moved it made the cut.  The author, Franco Galli writes the recipes in a way that seems like he's right there talking you through it.  My first attempt was a Pagnotta, a round country bread.  When kneading the dough he says, "This will take 15 or 20 minutes of kneading, including some 1 - to 2-minute rest periods along the way for the dough to relax slightly ~ and for you to relax, too." 
I need to work on shaping the dough. . .
right out of the oven . . .


  1. Just wonderful - there´s nothing like freshly baked bread! :-)

  2. there are v few luxuries greater to me than freshly baked bread and homemade jam. luckily for me, i have them both every morning. annie, your pictures are just amazing these days. whatever you are doing, keep it up!


  3. Mmh, it looks delicious! I love freshly baked bread! xxx

  4. I only ever have homemade bread too, oh I second what Janet said, your photographs are quite stunning.

  5. I love homemade bread but I'm convinced there is an art to it. My husband is a very talented baker, but all of my attempts at baking bread have fallen short of my expectations.

  6. This looks delicious...
    I can only imagine how wonderful your home smelled when the bread was in the oven cooking. BTW your use of light in the middle image is exceptional.

  7. This looks AMAZING!!!

  8. Your Pagnotta bread coupled with the Roasted Root Vegetable soup will be a super supper for a chilly Chicago Halloween night!!!

  9. That must smell so good when it comes freshly out of the oven! Looks yum! Stop by, Im having a giveaway :)


  10. Gorgeous loaves. There was/is an Il Fornaio bakery where I used to live - Tiburon, in Marin County. I wonder if the book is related to it.

    xo, A

    P.S. I LOVE my Glassybaby :)

  11. Congratulations! I have yet to make homemade bread. That is one of my next hurdles! I'm scared of the whole yeast thing!

  12. I just finished perusing through your last few posts ... your mouthwatering images are just beautiful - great photography!

  13. Annie! Where is the recipe? I think I have that book--we have family ties to Il Fornaio. I have many fond memories of their delicious bread for breakfast and your picture brought back the memories and a craving for this simple breakfast.

  14. hello Annie:
    Oh to have a slice of this most delicious looking bread. Your house must be filled with its loveliness every time you make it and, to partner it with homemade jam, a food fit for Kings and Queens!

  15. This is a must do for November. Baby steps;)

  16. Looks yummy......... Your photography is gorgeous! Next, you will have to try your hand at homemade jam!

  17. I have never tried to make homemade bread, and I have no idea why! Yours looks yummy.
    Happy Halloween

  18. nothing beats the smell and taste of homemade bread!
    this looks lovely especially with jam.
    always wanted to try homemade bread your images have just made my mind up!

    Abigail x

  19. I'm so jealous Annie---not only have you made incredible bread, but you've photographed it stunningly. Il Fornaio was probably the first place my husband and I discovered when we moved to LA! You formed the bread perfectly---it's a rustic bread and you wouldn't want it perfectly round. I can just smell it!!!

  20. You are my hero...fresh bread with jam and a cup of coffee...what could be better.

  21. It looks delicious!! It seems the perfect bread to me! Well done!

  22. Those loaves are absolutely stunning!! I'm craving some freshly baked bread and jam now. Must bake a loaf tomorrow.

  23. Yum Annie!! Like Jacquelyn, beadmaking has always seemed too tricky... But you've inspired me to give it a go...
