
Pink, more Glassybaby love and we have a winner!

First, to honor National Breast Cancer Awareness month I have changed my background color to pink.  Secondly, thank you Valerie at Glassybaby.  I absolutely adore my new "bff" glassybaby and use it all over my house.  Valerie sent me a link from You Tube and it sort of explains the feeling people have about the company and the product.  During the last year, two of my closest friends have been diagnosed with cancer and that is when I came across the company Glassybaby..  So, thank you to those reading my blog, leaving comments and sending emails.  I really really appreciate it. . .  the winner of a Glassybaby of your choice is:  Adrienne of the beautiful blog, The Rich Life (on a Budget).  I used Random.org and the winner was #16 and 16th comment was from Adrienne.       


  1. Congrats to Adrienne! Even though I didn't win you've now got me hooked on Glassybabies...love all the pink.

  2. Oh congratulations to Adrienne!
    I see that you are in the Pink, what a great idea Annie.

  3. Yay! So thrilled to have won such a beautiful work of art. A friend of mine from high school is currently recovering from a double mastectomy she underwent this past Friday. I've been thinking about what to get her as a get well gift and now I know. I'll order an extra one for her. Thank you so much for introducing us to Glassybaby and for this generous give away. I'll email you to get details and such. xo, adrienne

  4. Lucky ( and generous) winner.

    And lucky Glassybaby having you to blow their beautiful horn:)

    xo Jane

  5. congratulations on your lovely piece... i am so happy to have found your blog... your home is so pretty and i look forward to following along..xx pam

  6. Annie congrats to Adrienne, I am sure she is thrilled!! Breast Cancer has affected all of us in some way.

    Oh I have a designer pillow Giveaway I hope you will join! (a great resource as well)


    Art by Karena

  7. Annie,

    Just ordered my friend a Glassybaby in the color "comfort". I had it gift wrapped with a card and shipped to her in Southern California. I know she is going to love it.

    I will be sure to show my Glassybaby off on my blog as soon as it arrives. Thank you again! xo, Adrienne

  8. What a pretty glassybaby! Breast cancer is an awful thing isn't it. It took my husband's mother when he was only five years old. I hope your friends have pulled through. I'm sure they appreciate the awareness you are creating by simply changing your background.

