
It's fall in Southern California...

The calendar says fall, but the temperatures say summer!  It's really, really hot here today, but I couldn't help notice how even here at the beach in Southern, California there really is the look of the seasons changing.  It's not what I'm used to...I think of crisp air, bright blue skies and of course beautiful changing leaves...but this is what I saw a few hours ago...

                                         So what does it look like outside your door today? 


  1. It has been so warm here too - but today it took a turn toward cooler weather.

    I am always nostalgic about living in Southern California (all my babes were born there.) I would go back in a heartbeat.

    Great photos as always!

  2. Amazing! I grew up in So. Cal. and never felt the seasons until I moved to Seattle...but, these images truly do have an autumnal feel, they're beautiful...and I'm so happy you're getting to enjoy fall and all it's beautiful colors where you live as well.
    Our trees right now are turning gorgeous shades of every warm color imaginable...and as much as I disliked our wet summer, it does make for a prettier fall...if only the sun would come out so the pretty colors could have a blue backdrop!
    xo J~

  3. oh it is hot here! 99 today! i kinda love it though b/c i know it's not gonna last.

    my front garden looks pretty amazing right now. usually at this time of year it is pretty well beat but for some unknown reason it is doing well. go figure.

  4. Wow great pictures. My yard is covered with leaves, very pretty but I hate raking!

  5. Beautiful pics! Well, I live in Sweden and today is a true and cold autumn day - sunny though. Crisp and clean air and quite pretty. :-)

  6. These photos are absolutely dreamy...I love them. Here in the midwest, it's been summer-like temps, as well. Although the leaves are colorful and falling...

  7. The leaves are changing and gorgeous here in Chicago - but it still feels like summer! Normally I love fall and can't wait to put on fall clothes, but it's finally nice summer weather here instead of oppressive heat so I am soaking it in for a while!
