
first day of school . . .

I love this time of year. . . mostly because fall is on its way, but also because I love school supplies.  Remember in the movie "You've Got Mail" when Tom Hanks says to Meg Ryan's character, "If I knew your name and address I would send you a bouquet of sharpened pencils."  I love that!  Every year my daughter and I shop for school clothes, shoes, supplies...we try to engage Patrick in this activity, but clearly it's not for everyone.  It also makes me a little sad because it's all going too fast.  The years I mean... enjoy every day!


  1. I can get lost in the pencil aisle...we always bought way more highlighters, markers, notebooks, and pencil cases than my kids ever needed. I basically had a school supply store in one of my kitchen cabinets when my kids were growing up.

  2. I love that line in the movie! I also love seeing the "Pee Chee" notebook under the adorable "1st Day of School" photo of Madeline & Patrick. I haven't seen these folders in years! (Like 12th grade!)
    Great post Annie!

  3. I love this little vignette, Annie. It's tugging at my heartstrings as my oldest heads off to Kindergarten tomorrow. While I'm excited for her, like you say, it's all going too fast.

    Wishing you and your kiddos a fabulous school year!


  4. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough that we get to go school supply shopping! Then I'll probably get sad and wish she was as little as she is now. I'm constantly straddling that fence, excited for the next stage, but sad that she's growing up at the same time.

  5. Hello Annie:
    How we love your alphabet pot filled with sharpened pencils. We always keep a ready supply of colour co-ordinated, fully sharpened pencils on our desk. Some habits never change....

    Wishing you all a happy new academic year!!

  6. Way, way too fast!! My girls start school tomorrow, and I am in total denial. I love summers with them and I don't want it to end:(

    I hope it was a great first day for your kids!!

  7. It does fly by. I must say the school supplies are also my favorite part. Such excitement and anticipation.

  8. Happy back to school season...love the pencil 'bouquet'!!
    xo J~

  9. My youngest is a Freshman in college this year. I missed the ritual of back to school shopping. You are right to enjoy it.

  10. I'm with you...nothing marks how fast time flies like how quickly summer sails by and then its a grade older for everyone!

  11. I totally get you there I love shopping & getting stocked up for a new school year, it has been extra exciting this year as my son has just started high school so a whole new uniform too. Autumn is a beautiful time of year i love the colours of the leaves & being able to snuggle under a blanket on the sofa on sundays without feeling guilty that I should be out & about. Yummy roast dinner cooking in the oven. I love fire works night & halloween & oh my birthday too :)

  12. I am laughing as that movie is one of my favourite movies! Hope your 'back-to-school' week went well! This time of year is always so exciting and full of promise.
