
What's your favorite summer time appetizer?

This was a big hit on the bluff this summer.  Easy on the go...a baguette or crackers, fig jam and Manchego cheese.
I was reading Sue's post today from The View from Great Island and she had a great idea for an appetizer.  One that you can make ahead, store in the refrigerator or freezer and pull it out as you need it.  Check out her homemade crackers.http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QuPl6YDCHp8/TkmGZ8FACuI/AAAAAAAACcU/g6A3CmVwI1I/s1600/233.JPG


  1. i will. i used to make crackers all the time. they are easy and so good. last week i made a boatload of fresh fig jam. i have the pictures taken and everything. why am i so lazy annie?

  2. Oh if only, I only ever have one course so stick to a main course but I would love to nibble away on those crackers, must pop over for a closer look.

  3. I don't know what sounds better, the baguette, jam and cheese, or sitting on the bluff...thanks for the shout out!

  4. Meet you on the bluff just before sunset? LOL. I wish. I always see that darling little jar of fig jam at the store and wonder what to do with it? Can't go wrong with Manchego and a baguette!

  5. This looks fabulous, and I will definitely give it a try this weekend. Our favorite summertime appetizer is a big bowl of sun-warmed grape tomatoes, a small bowl of great olive oil, and a small dish of sea salt.

  6. This sounds and looks delicious, and so simple. I might just have to pack that tonight for an outdoor concert we're seeing! Thanks for the tip! One of my favorite summer appetizers is also a salad. Caprese. Fresh from the garden tomatoes an basil and some fresh sliced mozzarella and I'm in heaven...

  7. I just had my fig jam out the other night with some warm brie and baguette. One of my favorites!

  8. You had me at fig jam... can't wait to have our own tree at SJW. Mr SJW's mum has a beautiful tree at her place and is going to snip a cutting for us. Really can't wait!!! gxo

  9. I just got some fig butter from the Albuquerque Trader Joe's on the way home from Las Vegas--that and crackers would be a marvelous snack. Usually, however, I prefer a couple of crackers with cheese as an appetizer for the summer. Brie has been a favorite during the hot weather.

  10. This looks so good - just had a plate of Manchego, nuts, and fresh figs the other night on my sister's patio! I've got to try those homemade crackers! Right now my favorite appetizer is St. Agur blue cheese with anything - or a good old bowl of guacamole!

  11. I have some fig jam and Manchego cheese - and I'm hungry! I'm going to have some right now. Thanks for the idea!
