
Kelsey's homemade poptarts

My daughter's friend Kelsey knows how much Madeline loves poptarts and yesterday dropped off on our doorstep a sweet surprise.  Homemade poptarts!  They are as good as they look she got the recipe here.  These are not the kind of poptarts I would naturally think of...a dry pastry (if you could even call it a pastry) filled with strawberry and some sort of fake icing on top.  These are more like a delicious pie with a buttery, even flaky crust filled with strawberry jam, lightly iced and a dash of pink and green sprinkles that melt in your mouth.  I've never tasted anything more delicious!


  1. Hello Annie:
    Although we have not heard of pop tarts before now, these look absolutely delicious and what a wonderful surprise to find on the doorstep. We are certain that you have all really enjoyed them. Are there any left?!!

  2. I hadn't heard of pop tarts either, I love the presentation, that's something I always fall down on.

  3. This is the coolest thing! My daughter would love to make these. I've actually always harbored a secret love of pop tarts, so I have to try.

  4. hi annie and thanks for the link. i'm def going to make these. my boys all loved poptarts. i have no idea why though as i think they are like eating cardboard. but apparently they love cardboard. what a nice surprise this will be for them. and i just so happen to have about 60 thousand jars of freshly made preserves right now. thanks again.


  5. My sister and I had to beg our mother to buy poptarts when we were young! She made everything from scratch.
    I think that these could be made and served in good conscience.

    What a lovely gift,
    homemade = love.

  6. These look dangerous, in a good way! My problem is that I'd make them and want to eat the entire batch!

  7. What a nice gift! I never liked the Kellogg's pop tarts - they taste terrible. But these look really yummy. Home baked goods are always the best.

  8. Pretty. I think I'm gonna make them for the BF. Shhh don't tell :)

  9. so sweet...
    they look very tempting!

    Claudia xo

  10. I have never eaten a pop tart in my life. never even been tempted.....until now.

    xo Jane

  11. So funny, a bunch of your followers have never heard of pop tarts. They were a childhood staple for me, but haven't had them in years, homemade or out of the box. What a nice friend your daughter has!

  12. Jeff loves Smores Poptarts. I think I might try to make these with nutella and marshmallow fluff. Hopefully that would be good, but I guess we will have to wait and see! I will make some strawberry ones too.
