
home grown tomatoes

Tomatoes, a perfectly ripe avocado, fresh mozzarella, baby basil leaves from the garden...mixed with a little olive oil, balsamic and s & p and served over brown rice.
So good...I  almost forgot about my wine.


  1. Can I come over for dinner. Have just spent a day outdoors and do not feel like a hot dinner. This would be just perfect.

    Thank you for posting

  2. Annie, this looks so good. Love that you added avacados to this classic dish and served it over brown rice. I was just at Whole Foods last night and they have the most gorgeous tomatoes in right now. I need to go back and buy some to make this. Too bad our weather isn't the best for tomato growing.

  3. Looks so delish...I am making this tonight!!

  4. oo yum! The picture look good as ever Annie!

  5. Looks delish! I grew my own tomatoes this summer and they were THE most amazing tomatoes I've ever eaten. Oh, and I love that little wine glass with 'VINO' written on the side. :-)

  6. Ah, look at this - just divine! The bowl in the first pic is lovely! :-)

  7. Wow does that look spectacular! I wish we had grown tomatoes this year, but we didn't.

    You take such great photos, I feel like I could reach out and grab a bowl. I wish! xo

  8. I never tire of summer tomatoes, I just want to gorge on them till they're gone. This is a nice twist on the classic, those little itty bitty ones are my favorites!

  9. Oh wow, this looks so delicious, the perfect light dinner for summertime. I am envious of your home-grown tomatoes. I was so busy taking care of the kids, I never got around to planting tomatoes until too late. I don't think I will get any tomatoes this year, oh well!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. Look at the colours!
    I'd love to taste this meal, there is nothing as tasty as a home grown tomato.

  11. That looks so lovely and delicious, especially as I am addicted to fresh mozzarella ~ Alexandra

  12. Looks so delicious! I love the idea of adding avocado and brown rice to a Caprese and turning it into more of a whole meal...brilliant!
    Than you for reminding me to bring some of the daisies indoors Annie...I can't believe I haven't yet!
    xo J~

  13. Wow...I wish I had homegrown tomatoes.

  14. looks so perfect Annie, can't wait to make my own!

    Claudia xo

  15. Yum! Nothing beats homegrown veggies! We've enjoyed them out of our garden all summer long and while we're winding down, my husband just reported seeing some tomatoes appearing on the "fall" plants. Yippee!
