
happy anniversary darling

Today my husband and I celebrate our 24th anniversary.  Next year I will have spent half my life married to this wonderful man.  We were married when I was 25 and next year I will be 50!  We met and married in only three months and 24 years later we are as happy together as when we first met. We feel very lucky.  My daughter and I were walking through the village on our last trip to NY this summer and I saw this writing on a wall...we kept walking and a couple of blocks later I said, "stop, we have to go back."  I had to photograph this...it just says so much with so few words. 


  1. Happy 24th anniversary! Congratulations! The photo is says it all. :-)

  2. Love that random snippet on the wall!
    Happy anniversary Annie.
    I hope that you have something special planned to mark this day.


  3. That is so cool - congrats! I´ve been with my hubby 12 years and married 10, was 26 when we met. I hope I can celebrate being with him half my life too one day! :-)

  4. That is so wonderful, congratulations.
    And how apt I've just been watching a documentary about Banksy and graffiti art !

  5. happy anniversary! cheers to another great year. what a great quote..

  6. Happy Anniversary, Annie! Wishing you happiness and a blissful marriage for many, many more years to come!

    P/S: By the way, I am hosting a fabulous giveaway. Come by and enter for a chance to win a $75 gift card from Arcadian Lighting!


  7. oh congratulations annie! how sweet and wonderful. it is so nice to hear of people who are actually still in love after many years of marriage. i love the grafitti and i'm so glad you decided to photograph it. it's perfect.


  8. Happy Anniversary Annie---it's a wonderful thing, being married so long. My husband and I will celebrate our 30th (!)this May. Whenever I reflect on how privileged I am to be in such a long lasting and wonderful relationship, I find myself wishing the same for my girls. Your kids have a head start in finding that for themselves because they have your example to inspire them. Congratulations!

  9. Happy, Happy Anniversary! I love your story and the writing on the wall you spotted is just so perfect. Congratulations! xo

  10. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more years of happiness!

  11. Poetry! 20 years with my husband exactly 1/2 my life @40 years now. I don't remember my life without him in it. Happy anniversary!!!!

  12. Happy Anniversary! And so glad you went back and snapped that photo.

  13. ohhh congratulations!! Have a very happy anniversary!!
    Wooww you get married only in three month! :) You should be very sure that he was: the man!
    Enjoy your day!

  14. Congratulations! I think it's so great that you only knew each other for three months and it's has stood the test of time. So glad you went back for the photo.

  15. Happy Anniversary Annie! Wow, that is great! I hope you had an amazing day!


  16. Happy Anniversary Annie! We will celebrate 24 years in September! wee!!

  17. Wow Annie, happy belated anniversary! I love your story, it's such a great testimony. Hope you love birds had a beautiful day celebrating.
