
Small But Charming . . . flowers in the house

Jane at Small But Charming is having another Flowers in the "Hot" House Party.   I love bringing flowers into the house and Jane always has me thinking beyond the assortment at Trader Joe's.  This is what I've come up with in the last couple of weeks.  What about you?
I made this arrangement as I was cutting back all of my herbs. . . Everything was flowering at the same time. 

I love hydrangeas at any stage and any color.

I must admit it's not very "hot" here in Southern California along the coast.  It seems to be hot just about everywhere else.  Hope you are someplace cool!



  1. Such pretty flowers. I need to get some for our home. It's been a couple of weeks.

    It has been wonderfully cool here the last few weeks....I love it. They say it's going to heat up this weekend though. But no where near as hot as it's been in across the rest of the US and Canada.

  2. I love your arrangements. I do not have a cutting garden and must resort to the florist, each weekend

  3. How do you treat insects on them? I brought some in last week and the table was covered in all sorts of creepy crawlies 40 minutes later.

  4. Simple and perfect Annie! I just brought in a huge bouquet of flowers from the garden and made a few arrangements.
    Being on the coast sounds perfect right now...we are HOT here near Chicago.


  5. Absolutely love your dark (navy?) walls with that beautiful white. So lovely!

  6. I'm with you on the hydrangeas. They were all over the place when I lived in Minneapolis, huge flowers the size of dinner plates.

  7. hi annie,

    your flowers are gorgeous. i think simple boquets like this are the best.

    also, i just read the post on your daughters room. gee if you ever want to adopt her out...

    seriously, her room is so pretty and CLEAN! how lucky you are.

    i'm hoping soon there will be a post on your bedroom!

  8. Love your bouquet of herbs. I picked an armful of white blooming oregano today and brought it into work where it graced each and every arrangement we did.

    Smells like summer should.

    Thanks for joining the party. Lovely things are always welcome:)

    xo Jane

  9. Love your arrangements! Simple yet beautiful!

    By the way, I am hosting a giveaway! Please come enter for a chance to win a piece of jewelry of your choice!


  10. Your home looks fabulous Annie....your daughters bedroom- just perfect...must make sure my daughter doesn't see it(she's sharing a bedroom)!!

    Loved looking through your beautiful blog.

  11. I love the hydrangeas and the herb arrangements! I'm loving this weather, too.


  12. Hi Annie,
    I'm so glad to be back on the cooler side of the country - Central Park (with humidity factor) was 115. Tooo hot to really enjoy. Your herb bouquet is lovely - and I am sure walking by them with their lovely scent is a treat ;)

  13. Love your blog - just found it!! Your pictures are really great. I'm following now :)

  14. Lovely flowers, it really sets the mood in the best of ways to bring some of the outside inside. :-)

  15. All very pretty. I love flowers in the house too. It makes a home feel more welcoming.
