
A summer salad

Yesterday it was brought to my attention that I misspelled focaccia on my post.  I had checked dictionary.com and apparently there are several spellings.  I decided to trust that Giada would know how to spell it and made the change.  While looking through one of her cookbooks for focaccia, I came across this salad.  I don't know why I never noticed it before.  It has all the ingredients I love and it was probably the best salad of its kind that I've had in a very long time. 
Green beans, red bell pepper, black olives, chives, Parmesan cheese...all the ingredients for a perfect Mediterranean salad.

The ingredients are so colorful and I love Farro...it's healthy and packed with protein.
I had to share some with a friend who lives just up the street and brought her an herb bouquet as well.


  1. Oh yum! And the focaccia from yesterday... yum, too!!! Truly, my tummy is rumbly! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, it looks delicious!!! Yummy!

  3. This looks delish!!! I adore the herb bouquet too! Happy Weekend. xo

  4. Must. Try. Now. This looks so good! I love the freshness of it! Thanks so much for sharing!

    -Heather from lifeofapasseri.blogspot.com

  5. Hello Annie:
    the salad looks absolutely perfect for warm summer days and could, we think, be easily transported as a picnic - something we love to do.

    And, the pot of herbs. Such a delightful gift and practical too.

  6. The herb bouquet is just darling.

  7. Annie, your fast becoming my fave foodie blog!! Note to self, must not read Lovely Things on an empty stomach...

  8. i don't care how you spell it. the salad looks so good, i love green beans.

  9. This is so weird! I was in Whole Foods yesterday and spotted a bag of farrow in the rice section. I stood there looking at it, thinking about what I could do with it and when I thought of nothing, I decided not to buy it. Now I know! Next time I see farrow, I am getting and making this recipe. It looks so tasty and healthy. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  10. This is perfection! I need to make it.

  11. I love Giada. This recipe isn't by her, but is another yummy blend of Mediterranean flavors--


  12. Another incredible look recipe! Annie you're making my mouth water.

  13. Annie---I love your blog and I'm so glad you found mine. Scrolling down your posts it seems like we have a lot of tastes in common. I love Mediterranean food, and this salad looks interesting. I've never made anything with Farro, but I make a mean tabbouleh. I was just thinking about making some. I think the thing I miss most about California was my wonderful backyard herb garden...and my lemon tree.

  14. Hello Annie...so nice to meet you, thank you for stopping by 24C! I just checked out your kitchen and it's amazing...it must be a dream to cook in it!
    I've never had Farro...this recipe sounds like the perfect intro to it, and a great summer salad. Now I'm off to explore your wonderful blog some more! :)
    xo Jessica

  15. Yummy AND healthy... Annie, you don't cease to amaze me!

  16. Oh your photos are awesome! I love this...and just might have to try it!
    HEALTHY EATING AND EXERCISE...it's where it's at!

    see you soon!

    ciao bella


  17. Thanks for sharing this recipe, I am very excited to make it this weekend! I love all of the recipes you have been posting, looking forward to trying them out when I have more of a kitchen to cook in! Thanks also for your dutch door info:)
