
Problem solved!

Thanks for all your help in solving the mysterious problem I was having on my blog.  The Blogger Help Forum detected that the problem was with the "Are you Preppy?" post.  I tried to fix it, but it wasn't working so I deleted the post and everything seems back to normal.  I was hoping to post beautiful photos from a walk on the beach tonight, but my daughter looked at me like I was crazy for even thinking of bringing my camera.
This was pretty much what we saw as we headed down to walk the beach.  It was a little later in this shot....I love when the sun is just starting to set.  The glow on the sand and the waves is amazing.  My nephew Ryan took this one last summer.  You can check his blog out here.  He just finished his freshman year at Fordham.


  1. I'm glad you figured out the problem with your blog. That's so weird! Back to blogging...

  2. thank you for being a follower on my blog :)

    happy to you were able to resolve the problem with your blog

    beautiful picture

    see you soon

  3. Whew...we sometimes take Blogger for granted...thank heavens for the techies out there!
    Lovely image of the beach...it looks so peaceful.

  4. My kids tease me about always taking a camera everywhere now. They say that everything we do is for a post! (They might be kind of right). What is up with Blogger? So many problems! I'm glad you got yours resolved. Love the beach shot.

  5. Hello Annie:
    Your photograph is wonderful and we love the contrast it makes of the manmade with the natural world.

    But, oh dear, it seems today that all the Followers have disappeared! What is the matter with Blogger?

  6. Beaches are so amazing, and so different on the opposite coasts. My family gives me trouble for bringing my camera everywhere, and I admit, sometimes it can get in the way, or isn't appropriate, but I'm SO disappointed when I miss a great shot. Hope you had a great walk...

  7. Gorgeous photo - you are so lucky to live near the ocean. Glad to hear the blog problem has been fixed!

  8. You must be relieved to have you Blogger problem fixed.

    I live not too far from the ocean (30 minutes or less), but we don't get the warm breezes very often like you do in southern California.

    I had a friend in college who grew up in Orange County and lived on the coast. I would frequently go home with her on breaks from school. It was so relaxing down there - I have very fond memories of beach going and beautiful sunsets.
    I hope you have a lovely Friday and wonderful weekend.

  9. What a beautiful shot; the slant of the sun is perfect.

  10. Glad the blog is fixed! More house posts please :) blessings :)

  11. What a beautiful shot! Your nephew has an eye for photography.

  12. How wonderful to live close to the beach. I'm decompressing just looking at that view.

  13. My son always rolls his eyes whenever I take out my camera...I hate that.
    Beautiful sunset.
