
Lavender bouquets + new uses for old things

I have so much lavender growing in my yard I don't know why it never occurred to me to bring it inside.  They smell beautiful.  I made several little arrangements using jars I've been saving.  Years ago my sister said always save your dijon mustard jars to use to bring salad dressing on the go.  Brilliant....now I'm saving every jar and using them for a multitude of things.  The best way I have found to get the labels off is the Spray Gel Goo Gone.

In the bedroom...

and in Madeline's bathroom.  When looking for something to keep make up cotton rounds and q-tips, I came across her silver baby cups.  One is engraved in script and the other block letters...love them.

Recently I sprayed all the lids black...looks better in my pantry.  I took dinner to a friend and put the home made dressing in a little jar.  All she had to do was give it good shake and toss with the salad. 


  1. Nothing more lovely than fresh flowers in jars! Yours are perfect and must smell sooo good! Bx

  2. Annie,
    I can't imagine having such lavender growing in my yard!! So beautiful.
    I have always saved jars...especially the ones with unusual shapes, but never sprayed the lids. Dijon is always great for salad dressing.... I use the little bits of mustard in the dressing anyhow.
    Silver cups, candy dishes, and other little things are all over my house holding things... jewelry, before it gets put away, shells, any way I can corral the clutter!!

  3. Hello Annie:
    What an absolutely perfect, and most imaginative, way in which to display your cut lavender. The jars look so very pretty, each one made uniform with the ribbon tied at the neck. Perfect.

    And we love the idea of putting cotton buds into a small silver container. Do you mind if we copy?

  4. Oh, I love lavender - the smell of it is wonderful! How pretty your jar arrangements are...wish I could grab one...so beautiful!!!
    Hope your weekend is wonderful! Thanks for your sweet comment earlier - yes, those pottery painting places are pretty pricey, but I had a coupon!! Yay! xxx

  5. I never thought to spray the lids black - great idea! I bet your house smells amazing with all that lavender. My favorite thing ... that you used the silver baby cups for the cotton rounds and q-tips! I think I will take my little cups out of storage ;)

  6. How gorgeous, I love lavender...wish I was growing some too!
    Have a great week

  7. Lucky you! I am jealous of all your lavender...and you have displayed it so beautifully. I love the unmistakable scent of fresh lavender..yummy, reminds me of being in Provence, I will never ever forget it or seeing the lavender fields for the first time! Just beautiful!

  8. I love those bouquets! Such a cute idea and how lucky for you to have your own growing in the yard. I would put it on my night stands and in the bathroom to help us all get a bit more sleepy at the end of the day.

  9. I love lavender, it's one of my favorites. They look great in the jars!

  10. Such great ideas. We have lavender growing too. And the silver baby cups are so pretty and useful. Guess I'd better start saving my jars to spray the tops. YOU ARE SO CLEVER!

  11. Good morning Annie! It looks great, and the smell of the lavender is very relaxing!! I have lavender too but when I cut it, it turns brown (not purple) any more, but is a different variety...

  12. Oh you really have elevated daily living into a fine art. Iam avidly following you now and will be reading all of your back posts

  13. Annie I adore lavender, it is so special. Love your site of course!

    Art by Karena

    Come and enter my Giveaway from Tracy Porter

  14. These look so lovely! I would have never guessed that they were just old jars! Brilliant idea and the lavender looks so perfect for summer...and I bet it smells *divine*!!!

  15. Hi Annie,
    So nice to meet you!
    I loved your sweet comment on my blog and am so happy to find your lovely blog.
    I scrolled down last night to see your exterior home makeover and was completely wowed!! It's perfection. I can't believe the transformation you achieved. It's my dream house!
    I'm looking forward to getting to know you and your blog.
    Thanks for finding me...


  16. This is so elegant and beautiful! What a great idea, especially with the silver baby cups. I love lavender, and have quite a few planted around the yard. I will definitely be bringing it indoors to enjoy once it starts blooming. Thank you very much for the comments on my blog. I have now started following yours and I'm really enjoying it - so many gorgeous photos!! :-)
