
wood spoon restaurant - LA

My daughter and I heard about WoodSpoon restaurant from the Food Network show "The Best Thing I Ever Ate."  Giada DeLaurentiis talked about this chicken pot pie that was too die for.  We were going to LA in search of a vintage shop that Madeline had read about on a blog...of course.  Since it was close by we thought we would give Wood Spoon a try...especially since we love Giada and she was recommending it.  When we sat down they brought over a carafe of cinnamon water.  It was amazing.  We both loved it and they told us how they make it.  They boil cinnamon sticks and let it steep.  They use just a small amount and then add water and ice.  Oh and the ipad is on the table only because we needed to map the location of the vintage store.  My daughter and I seem to never run out of things to talk about.

We started with an order of potato croquettes...they were so good!

But this is what we came for...The Brazilian chicken pot pie.  We loved that the pastry had a wood spoon on it!

WoodSpoon is located on 9th Street between Broadway and Main in downtown LA.  It's a cozy little place filled with people enjoying every bite!


  1. Yum! I was just in LA and couldn't decide which restaurant to try - this looks like one I need to go back to! I remember that episode.

  2. It seems so nice all this food! ;)
