
$3 tomato = lunch

Yesterday we were in Santa Monica and Wednesday is the day of their farmer's market.  We were handed a tomato wedge with sea salt.   We bought one...it was $3, but worth every penny!

Delicious just with a little S & P . . .

. . . but even better in a bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado sandwich.


  1. I love fresh tomatoes...sea salt too.

    Your sandwich is making me hungry!
    I'll bet it tastes even better than it looks!

  2. I can't wait for our farmers market to start up again...sadly it starts in May! Your sandwich looks delish!

  3. Your sandwich looks wonderful! Your photography is great Annie, and I always look forward to reading your posts. I want to see your son's Thank Yous! Thanks for your comments today about them ;)

  4. hi annie,

    i did a post a long time ago about my favorite sandwich. a fresh picked tomato still warm from the sun slathered with vegenaise. yum. avacado sounds sooooo good.


  5. looks delicious. love a good tomato. my new favorite is an avocado with a squeeze of lime juice and some sea salt with pepper.

  6. that sandwich looks delicious!! hope you have a great weekend!

  7. thanks for the comment, i love macarons and that shop sounds wonderful!!
    I tried making them once but it didn't turn out too well :)

  8. That's my idea of the perfect sandwich. I often ask for an LT with no B and get funny looks. But it's SO good. Mmm.
